


  • 跨域課程

  • 發布日期:113-01-03
161023 心智哲學 (Philosophy of Mind and Cognition)
在討論哲學時,不免會涉及到心智 畢竟「人」是最有趣的活議題! 甚至一直到現在,還是有很多哲學討論圍繞在心智上 例如記憶(這學期有開設!)等 在討論這些很酷的議題前,還是要從最基本的心靈的概念著手! 那就是「何為心靈?」 唯心論、唯物論和心物二元論,一直是爭論不休的話題。 但你以為跟你毫無相關嗎?其實不然! 當你在選擇學科時,每個學科背後也都預設了一個形上學的價值觀! 例如物理系可能就預設了唯物論或是心物二元論的觀點;心理系可能就是預設了唯心論或心物二元論的觀點。而這些隱藏的價值觀,也會影響到你學習的動力! 因此,深入探討心智哲學,可以讓你在面對議題是,可以知道對方踩著什麼樣的心智價值觀~藉此更快釐清問題所在! (更多......)
This course provides an introduction to philosophy of mind and cognition. Throughout the course, we will explore key questions related to the mind and cognitive states and processes. What exactly are minds? What types of capacities or processes are mental? Do mental states possess special properties? One of the most fundamental concerns in the philosophy of mind is the relationship between the body and the mind. We know intuitively that the body (brain) is important for the mind, but what precisely is the relation between them? Is the body an entirely distinct substance from the mind? Or is the mind really just the brain? Are there distinct mental properties and physical properties, and, if so, how do the mental and the physical interact? Do we need to have a brain in order to have a mind or mental states and processes? Or can mental states and processes be realised in things other than brains? Indeed, can machines have minds? Can our own minds extend out into the world of technology or are they fundamentally brain-bound? The course surveys the competing philosophical theories of mind, providing answers to these types of questions. In this way the course introduces students to key theories and ideas in philosophy of mind, focusing on the nature of the mind, its relation to the brain-body, and whether the mind and mental states and processes can be incorporated into our best scientific picture of the world.
授課教師:游尚愷 老師

  • 人機智能與哲學跨域學程課程
  • 核心課程
  • 全英文授課