


  • 更新日期:113-06-18
  • 發布單位:註冊一組
113學年度台灣聯合大學系統【跨校輔系、跨校雙主修】申請作業公告 Notice for Students Applying for Inter-School Academic Minors/Inter-School Academic Double Majors under the University System of Taiwan (UST) in Academic Year 2024
  • 依據112年12月4日台灣聯合大學系統112年度第3次四校教務長會議決議:凡通過台聯大系統轉校生可否保留原申請台聯大系統跨校輔系、雙主修資格,應由學生重新向轉入學校學系申請,再由轉入學校發文通知加修學校重啟審查作業。請學生務必於跨校輔系、雙主修核准名單公佈後一週內提出申請,逾期不再受理。
  • 申請日期:
    • 113年7月1日(一)起至113年7月31日(三)下午5點截止,逾期不收件。請將申請資料依就讀校區繳交至註冊組。
  • 審查日程:113年8月12日(一)起至113年8月23日(五)止
  • 審查通過名單公告日期:113年8月30日(五)
  • 申請資格:請見各校之台灣聯大跨校修讀輔系及雙主修申請公告。
  • 收件承辦人及聯絡電話:
    • 陽明校區註冊一組:林昀靚小姐(分機62037)
      • E-mail:yunjing@nycu.edu.tw
    • 交大校區註冊二組:黃佩茹小姐(分機31464)
      • E-mail:betty@nycu.edu.tw
  • 相關辦法:
  • According to the 3rd UST Dean of Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2023 on December 4, 2023, regarding the eligibility of transfer students admitted via the UST may retain their original application qualifications for inter-school academic minors/double majors under the UST, the students must reapply for retention of the qualifications with the department of the accepting school. The accepting school shall send a notice to the selected school to restart the review process. The students must submit their applications within one week after the announcement of the admission list for inter-school academic minors/double majors. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Application Date :From July 1, 2024 (Monday) to July 31, 2024 (Wednesday), and ends at 5:00PM. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted. Please submit the application documents to the Division of Registrar of the respective campuses.
  • Review schedule: From August 12, 2024 (Monday) to August 23, 2024 (Friday).
  • The review result will be announced on August 30, 2024 (Friday).
  • Eligibility for application: Please refer to the respective school’s announcement regarding the application for inter-School Academic Minors/Inter-School Academic Double Majors under the University System of Taiwan (UST).
  • The contact information is shown below:
    • Division of Registrar 1 in YANGMING Campus: Ms. Lin Yun-Ching Phone:(02)2826-7000 ext. 62037   E-mail: yunjing@nycu.edu.tw
    • Division of Registrar 2 in CHIAOTUNG Campus: Ms. Huang Pei-Ju Phone:(03)513-1465 ext. 31464   E-mail: betty@nycu.edu.tw
  • Related Regulations: