


  • 註冊組

  • 更新日期:113-06-04
  • 發布單位:註冊一組
113學年度醫學系校內轉系甄試相關作業說明 Notes for Students Applying for School Of Medicine Transfer in Academic Year 2024
  • 請詳閱本校「學生轉系所辦法」及醫學系招收轉系學生審查要點。醫學系須為第一志願
  • 不得申請轉系之身份:
    • 依離島生資格入學者,依據「離島地區學生保送高級中等以上學校辦法」第十條規定,不得申請轉校(系、科)。但有特殊情況報經原保送之地方政府同意者,不在此限。
    • 依招生簡章或相關法令之規定入學者。
  • 筆試科目、考試日期及地點:
    • ※初審資格符合始得參加筆試,初審結果將以Email通知,若未於113年7月5日(五)前接獲通知,請務必自行電洽註冊一組詢問
    • 考試日期:113年7月9日(週二)
    • 考試地點:生醫工程館101教室
    • 考試科目、範圍及時間:
      • 微積分[範圍-微積分]:上午9時00分至10時20分
      • 普通生物學[範圍-生物學(上)、(下) ]:上午10時40分至12時
      • 普通化學[範圍-化學原理]:下午13時30分至14時50分
      • 普通物理學[範圍-普通物理學]:下午15時10分至16時30分
      • 筆試請一律攜帶學生證供查驗
      • 除原子筆、鋼筆外,請攜帶2B鉛筆應試
  • 轉系申請時間為113年6月11日(二)至6月28日(五)下午5:00止,逾期不受理
    • 志願內含有醫學系者收件截止時間皆為6月28日(五) 下午5:00止,逾期不受理
    • 本次申請校內轉系者,學生先至註冊組繳交「轉系(組)暨轉校申請表」及相關資料,經註冊組檢視後,由學生將申請資料繳至志願學系。
  • 申請路徑:本校單一入口→陽明交通大學→學籍成績管理系統→學籍→個人管理→線上學籍異動申請→轉系申請。相關程序請依照系統操作說明辦理。
  • 報名費用(不含申請成績單費用)及繳交方式:
    • 1,200元。(初審資格符合後,由註冊組Email另行通知學生繳納。)
    • 繳費時間:113年7月3日(三)至113年7月8日(一)
    • 繳費方式:
      • 至各校區出納組繳交,完成後將【收款通知單第二聯】親繳至註冊一組或掃描、拍照回傳至yunjing@nycu.edu.tw。
  • 面試日期:113年7月23日(二),面試地點及準備資料由醫學系另行通知。
  • 業務洽詢:
    • 陽明校區註冊一組 02-2826-7000 轉62037 林小姐 地點:行政大樓3樓
    • 信箱:yunjing@nycu.edu.tw
  • Please read carefully the "NYCU Regulations for Transfer of Students between Departments/Institutes" and the criteria for student transfers for the School of Medicine. The School of Medicine must be your first choice.
  • Students not eligible for department transfer:
    • According to Article 10 of the “Regulations of Recommendation of Offshore Island Students to High Schools,” students admitted to the NYCU as offshore island students are not allowed to apply for inter-school (department, major) transfer. Except for any special circumstances and approval is gained from the original local government that recommended the students.
    • Students admitted to the NYCU in accordance with the admission prospectus or related laws and regulations.
  • The courses, dates of Written Examinations, and venue:
    • ※Only applicants who have passed the preliminary review are allowed to attend the written examinations. The preliminary review results will be notified via email. If you have not received the notice by July 5, 2024 (Friday),please contact the Division of Registrar 1.
    • Date: July 9, 2024 (Tuesday)
    • Venue: Room 101, Biomedical Engineering Building
    • Courses, Scope and Time of Examination:
      • Calculus [Scope - Calculus]: 9:00AM–10:20AM
      • General Biology [Scope - Biology (Part 1), (Part 2)]: 10:40AM–12:00PM
      • General Chemistry [Scope - Principles of Chemistry]: 1:30PM to 2:50PM
      • General Physics [Scope - General Physics]: 3:10PM to 4:30PM
    • ※Please bring your student ID card for verification during the Written Examinations.
    • ※Please bring 2B pencils for the examination, except ball pens and fountain pens.
  • Application Date: From June 11, 2024 (Tuesday) to June 28, 2024 (Friday), and ends at 5:00PM. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • The deadline for applications with department choices, including the School of Medicine, is on Friday, June 28, 2024, and ends at 5pm. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Students applying for transfer to another department, they should first submit the” Application Form for Department Transfer and Inter-School Transfer under the UST” with relevant documents to the Division of Registrar. After the Division of Registrar reviews all the documents, the student is responsible for submitting the application documents to department of their choices.
  • Application Path: NYCU Portal → NYCU Campus→ Grading System → Student Status →Online Application for Student Status Change → Department Transfer.
  • Application fees (excluding the transcript issuance fees), and payment method:
    • NT$1,200 (After the student passes the preliminary review, the Division of Registrar will notify the student to make the payment via email separately.)
    • Deadline of payment: July 3, 2024 (Wednesday) to July 8, 2024 (Monday)
    • Payment Method:
      • Please make the payment to the Division of Cashier of the respective campus, and then submit the “2nd copy of payment notice” in person to Division of Registrar 1, or send a scanned copy or photo of it to yunjing@nycu.edu.tw.
  • Date of Interview: July 23, 2024 (Tuesday). The School of Medicine will notify you separately regarding the venue of interview and relevant information required.
  • The contact information:
    • Division of Registrar 1 (Yangming Campus)
    • Phone: (02)2826-7000 ext.62037
    • E-mail: yunjing@nycu.edu.tw
    • Venue: 3F of the Administration Building