- 更新日期:113-07-31
- 發布單位:註冊一組
112學年度第2學期博學獎學金申請公告 Announcement of Erudite Scholarship Application for the Second Semester of the 2023 Academic Year
1. 本獎學金於112學年度開始實施,獎勵對象為博士班一年級新生及博士班二年級在學生(含逕修讀博士學位及2月提前入學者)。本次獎學金金額為112學年度第2學期實際所繳學雜費金額(不含教育學程學分費、音樂個別指導費及各項代收代辦費)。
2. 申請路徑:登入單一入口網 / 陽明交通大學 / 博學獎學金申請系統,線上申請網址:https://portal.nycu.edu.tw/portal/esas (需先登入單一入口網。另於校外者,請先連線VPN再登入)。
3. 線上系統開放申請日期:113年8月1日至9月1日止,逾期系統將關閉不受理,請於申請期限內完成申請,若因此影響自身權益,概由同學自行負責。
4. 博學獎學金相關資訊(含試辦作業要點及常見問答),請至下方網址查看:https://newstudents.nycu.edu.tw/master/%E5%8A%A9%E5%AD%B8%E8%B3%87%E8%A8%8A/%E5%8D%9A%E5%AD%B8%E7%8D%8E%E5%AD%B8%E9%87%91/
5. 聯絡資訊:
光復校區:(03)571-2121# 50853, carriechen@nycu.edu.tw,陳靜慧小姐。
- 外籍生:(03)571-2121# 50666,jessicahsieh@nycu.edu.tw,謝竹絜小姐。#62244,trudy@nycu.edu.tw,吳宜錚小姐。
- 陸生:(03)571-2121# 50666,jessicahsieh@nycu.edu.tw,謝竹絜小姐。
- 僑生:(03)571-2121# 50658,yyfu@nycu.edu.tw,傅昀畇小姐。
Announcement of Erudite Scholarship Application for the Second Semester of the 2023 Academic Year.
The Erudite Scholarship was implemented starting from the 2023 academic year. The beneficiaries are first-year doctoral students and second-year doctoral students (including students who have been directly admitted to the PhD program, or students who have been enrolled in February). The amount of scholarship is based on the actual tuition fees paid for the Second semester of the 2023 academic year (excluding the credit fees for the teacher education program, individual instruction fees for music majors, and various mandatory fees).
Application Path: NYCU Portal → NYCU Campus→ Erudite Scholarship Application System. Online application website:
https://portal.nycu.edu.tw/portal/esas ( You need to log in to the NYCU portal first. Please Log in to the VPN service to access NYCU portal outside campus.)
Online application opening date: From August 1 to September 1, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted as the system will be closed.
For information regarding the Erudite Scholarship (including operation directions and FAQs), please click on the link below to view:
Contact information:
※For questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Division of Registrar:
Yangming Campus: (02)2825-0296; registration@nycu.edu.tw.
Guanfu Campus: (03)571-2121#31666; registra@nycu.edu.tw.
Application Path: NYCU Portal → NYCU Campus→ Erudite Scholarship Application System. Online application website:
https://portal.nycu.edu.tw/portal/esas ( You need to log in to the NYCU portal first. Please Log in to the VPN service to access NYCU portal outside campus.)
Online application opening date: From August 1 to September 1, 2024. Late applications will not be accepted as the system will be closed.
For information regarding the Erudite Scholarship (including operation directions and FAQs), please click on the link below to view:
Contact information:
※For questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Division of Registrar:
Yangming Campus: (02)2825-0296; registration@nycu.edu.tw.
Guanfu Campus: (03)571-2121#31666; registra@nycu.edu.tw.
※For scholarship disbursement schedule, please contact the Division of Student Assistance (local students) or the Office of International Affairs (international students):
Division of Student Assistance:
Yangming Campus:(02)28267000#62207,chilo1011@nycu.edu.tw。
Guanfu Campus: (03)571-2121# 50853,carriechen@nycu.edu.tw。
Office of International Affairs:
- Foreign students:(03)571-2121# 50666,jessicahsieh@nycu.edu.tw。#62244,trudy@nycu.edu.tw。
- Mainland Chinese students:(03)571-2121# 50666,jessicahsieh@nycu.edu.tw。
- Overseas Chinese students:(03)571-2121# 50658,yyfu@nycu.edu.tw。