


  • 發布日期:113-03-22
  • 更新日期:113-06-19
  • 發布單位:教學資源組
2024 雙語教師英語增能特訓課程 (EMI Teacher English Proficiency Enhancement Training)
 | 報名日期 Registration Period:2024年3月25日~6月30日17:00止
 | 早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount :2024年3月25日~6月15日17:00止
 | 報名網址 Registration Link:
請點我!Click me! (https://cec.nycu.edu.tw/Course/CourseInfo?CId=41907)
課程說明 (Course Aims)

國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證中心 (Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching, HEAT) 特別針對臺灣高級中等學校及大專院校欲提升雙語教學語言能力之教師,開設12小時雙語教師英語增能特訓課程 (EMI Teacher English Proficiency Enhancement Training)。課程期能輔助高中與大學教師能夠運用英語授課策略,流暢且自信地使用英語進行教學。並藉由掌握英語能力測驗應試策略,有效地運用英語聽說讀寫能力,最終能應對B2能力檢定並取得證照。

The HEAT at NYCU offers a 12-hour Bilingual Teacher English Proficiency Enhancement Training course for Taiwanese senior high school and college teachers looking to improve their bilingual teaching language skills. This course aims to prepare high school and university instructors to use English teaching strategies to teach fluently and confidently in English. Additionally, by mastering their English proficiency test-taking skills, teachers can successfully apply their English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to tackle exams and obtain a B2-level certification.

課程特色 (Course Features)
  1. 課程內容以EMI教學情境為導向,切合雙語教師的實際需求。
  2. 採用沉浸式全英教學,讓學員有機會在EMI的環境中充分練習。
  3. 由經驗豐富的英語教學專家授課,提供專業指導和評估。
  1. The training curriculum is EMI scenario-oriented, meeting the practical needs of bilingual teachers.
  2. The English-only teaching style allows for extensive practice in an EMI setting.
  3. The course is led by experienced English trainers who provide professional guidance and assessment.
課程時程 (Schedule)

上課地點:線上(Webex/Google Meet)

Dates:6th, 13th, 20th, 27th July, 2024 (Sat.)
Times:Daily 09:30-12:30
Venue:Online(Webex/Google Meet)

課程結構 (Syllabus)

The course will be delivered in English.

課程由國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證中心專業 EMI 講授課。本課程學員於完成12小時課程後獲頒國立陽明交通大學推廣教育結業證明書;無學分抵免。本課程四次上課日期中,學員最多得請假一次(3小時),請假後需於課後需觀看補課影片與習作後,則可列入出席數;若未完成補課影片觀看與習作,則不列入出席,亦無法取得結業證書。

The course is a fully online course that consists of four half-day sessions totaling 12 hours, beginning in July 2024. The course consists of a 6-hour instructional language module focusing on EMI scenarios and a 6-hour English proficiency module preparing for mainstream English competence tests. After the training, participants can choose to take an English competence test (at their own expense). After completing the 12-hour course, participants will get a Certificate of Completion from NYCU; no academic credits are available. Participants are allowed to be absent for no more than three hours during the period. To be considered present, they must watch a makeup video and complete the assigned tasks after the absence. Failure to do so will result in being considered absent and ineligible to receive the completion certificate.
課程結構 (Syllabus)
Instructional Language Module
第一天 7月6日 (六)
6th July (Sat. Online)
9:30am ─ 12:30pm
第二天 7月13日 (六)
13th July (Sat. Online)
9:30am ─ 12:30pm
  • 授課簡報技巧:進行有效課程簡報,使用適當的語言和圖像、引起學生興趣。
  • 自然口語互動:透過模擬對話、小組討論等活動,協助學生提升理解和表達能力。
  • 描述圖表資料:有效描述圖表、數據等資料,並引導學生進行討論和分析。
  • Presentation Skills for Teaching: Conduct effective course presentations using appropriate language and visuals to engage students.
  • Natural Spoken Interaction: Enhance students’ comprehension and expression skills through simulated discussions.
  • Describing Graphs and Data: Describe graphic information and guide students in discussion and analysis.
  • 語法詞彙擴充:擴充授課語言字彙、修正常見錯誤,以準確的口語表達協助學生理解。
  • 職業技能培養:教授與職業相關的英語技能,如商務溝通、面試技巧、流程說明等。
  • 線上工具運用:整合有效線上資源、多媒體教材、AI 工具輔助等,以加強學習效果。
  • Grammar and Vocabulary Expansion: Expand teaching vocabulary and correct common mistakes to enhance student comprehension.
  • Professional Skill Development: Teach English skills relevant to professional contexts, such as business communication or procedural explanations.
  • Utilization of Online Tools: Integrate online resources, multimedia materials, and AI tools to enhance learning outcomes.
Mainstream English Proficiency Test Preparation Module
第三天 7月20日 (六)
20th July (Sat. Online)
9:30am ─ 12:30pm
第四天 7月27日 (六)
27th July (Sat. Online)
9:30am ─ 12:30pm
  • 考試概述:介紹各主流英檢考試的結構、題型等,協助學員了解應考準備策略。
  • 聽力測驗技巧:引導學員有效的聽力策略,包括聽取主旨、細節理解、答題技巧等,以提高答題正確率。
  • Exam Overview: Introduce Exam and question types of various mainstream English proficiency tests.
  • Listening Skills: Practice
  • 寫作練習:提供寫作任務,並給予反饋和建議,以期協助學員提高寫作能力。
  • 口語練習:組織口語練習活動,模擬考試中的口語任務,提升學員口語表達力。
  • Writing Practice: Provide writing tasks, along with feedback and suggestions.
  • Speaking Practice: Simulate oral tasks in exams to enhance spoken expression.
林律君副教授 | 英語教學諮詢講師 
Regine Lin, Associate Professor | Consultant Instructor for English Teaching

■ 國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證中心 主任
 Director of the Center for Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching, NYCU
■ 國立陽明交通大學英語教學研究所 副教授
 Associate Professor for the Institute of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), NYCU
■ 英國高等教育學院高階會士(Senior Fellow HEA)
 Senior Fellow HEA of the Advance HE, UK
■ 《臺灣高教英語授課教學資源書》、《臺灣雙語教學鷹架的設計》等專書作者
 Author of "A Resource Book for University EMI in Taiwan", "A Resource Book for Bilingual Education in Taiwan", ect.
薛詠文講師 | 英語教學專業講師
Wendy Hsueh, EMI Specialist | Professional Instructor for English Teaching

■ 國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證中心 EMI專員
 EMI Specialist of the Center for Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching, NYCU
■ 曾任國立陽明交通大學語言教學與研究中心講師
 Instructor of the Language Teaching and Research Center, NYCU
■ 托福TOEFL/雅思IELTS/多益TOEIC英檢講師 25+ 年經驗
 More than 25-year experience as an instructor for TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC
■ 英國劍橋Cambridge專業訓練認證YLE/KET/PET口試考官
 Oral Examiner for Cambridge Professional Training Certified YLE/KET/PET
■ 空中英語教室Studio Classroom講座/課程/出版物合作講師
 Co-Instructor of Studio Classroom Lecture/Program/Publication
■ 空中英語教室特約講師,主講各級學校雙語/EMI教師培訓
 Special instructor for Studio Classroom, leading bilingual/EMI teacher training for schools at all levels.
■ 各大專院校英語課程(簡報/表達/寫作)講師/英檢類暢銷書作者
 Instructor and Bestselling Author of English Courses (Presentation / Expression / Writing) in Universities and Colleges 
◆ 課程原價  Course Fee:$6,500

◆ 校外早鳥 Early Bird Discount for External Faculty(於6月15日前報名/Register by June 15):$5,900
(Sign up for the Center for Continuing Education of NYCU Website, and register for the course within the Early Bird period to enjoy the discount!)

◆ 校外同校兩人(含)以上團報 Group of Two (or more) Registration Discount for External Faculty$5,900
(Sign up for the Center for Continuing Education of NYCU Website, and then notify the organizer by email to help you change to the preferential status before registering for the course, and note the names of other participants when placing the order.)

◆ 陽明交大教師 NYCU Faculty:$5,500
(Upload your ID card when signing up for the Center for Continuing Education of NYCU Website, and then notify the organizer by email to help you change to the preferential status before registering for the course.)

👉 身份別異動須知(想享優惠價的必看!)/ Notice of Preferential Status
完成會員註冊後,請E-mail至 heat@nycu.edu.tw 告知姓名、課程及優惠身分、課程優惠資訊(可截圖課程介紹裡提到的身份優惠價格 ),待取得或異動優惠身份後,再下單課程,方能享有對應身分之優惠價格。
After signing up for the Center for Continuing Education of NYCU Website, please e-mail to heat@nycu.edu.tw with your name, course name, preferential status, and course discount information (you can take a screenshot of the preferential status mentioned in the course introduction), and
register for the course after obtaining or changing the preferential status. And then, you are able to enjoy the discount of the corresponding status.

👉 課程費用不含學員申請之英檢認證費用,英檢測驗費用視個人考期安排自行個別支付。
The course fee does not include the fee for English proficiency tests. The fees for English proficiency tests are to be paid by the participants.

👉 退費說明
Refund: If you withdraw from the course before 7 days of the course, you will be refunded the full course fee; if you withdraw from the course before 1 to 7 days of the course, you will be refunded 90% of the course fee; if you withdraw from the course after the course has begun, you will not be refunded.
  1. 本課程學員於完成12小時課程後獲頒國立陽明交通大學推廣教育結業證明書;無學分抵免。本課程四次上課日期中,學員最多得請假一次(3小時),請假後需於課後需觀看補課影片與習作後,則可列入出席數;若未完成補課影片觀看與習作,則不列入出席,亦無法取得結業證書。
  2. 本培訓課程無學分抵免。
  3. 國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證中心保留調整個審核、繳費、培訓、認證等重要日期,以及調整培訓培訓方式與內容的權利,以因應突發狀況或不可抗拒之因素。
  4. 若對培訓有疑問,請聯繫國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證中心:heat@nycu.edu.tw;03-5712121轉50193(薛小姐)、50183(陳小姐)。
  1. Upon completing the 12-hour course, participants will get a Certificate of Completion from NYCU; no academic credits are available. Participants are allowed to be absent for no more than three hours during the period. To be considered present, participants must watch a makeup video and complete the assigned tasks after the absence. Failure to do so will result in being considered absent and ineligible to receive the completion certificate.
  2. No credit exemption is granted for this training.
  3. NYCU HEAT reserves the right to adjust key dates related to application review, payment, training, and certification, as well as the mode and content of the training, to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.
  4. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact NYCU HEAT: heat@nycu.edu.tw;03-5712121 ext.50193 (Ms. Hsueh), ext.50183 (Ms. Chen)
雙語教師英語增能特訓課程 | 報名網址 請點我! (https://cec.nycu.edu.tw/Course/CourseInfo?CId=41907)
EMI Teacher English Proficiency Enhancement Training | Registration LinkClick me! (https://cec.nycu.edu.tw/Course/CourseInfo?CId=41907)

報名流程 / Registration Process
  1. 註冊「國立陽明交通大學推廣教育中心網站」會員。
  2. 如為優惠身分(早鳥除外),請E-mail至 heat@nycu.edu.tw 告知姓名、課程及優惠身分、課程優惠資訊(可截圖課程介紹裡提到的身份優惠價格 ),待取得或異動優惠身份後,再下單課程,方能享有對應身分之優惠價格。
  3. 課程下單完成後,等待收取審核通過通知;接獲通知信後,請進入【訂單查詢】查看繳費資訊並於7日內完成繳費。
  4. 繳費完成後,請Email您的姓名、轉帳銀行、帳號末5碼至陽明交大國際高教培訓暨認證中心 (heat@nycu.edu.tw),以供確認。
  5. 國際高教培訓暨認證中心將寄送「報名完成通知信」,使完成報名程序。
  1. Sign up for the Center for Continuing Education of NYCU Website.
  2. If eligible of the preferential status (except for Early Bird), e-mail heat@nycu.edu.tw with your name, course name, preferential status, and course discount information (you can take a screenshot of the preferential status mentioned in the course introduction), and register for the course after obtaining or changing the preferential status. And then, you are able to enjoy the discount of the corresponding status.
  3. After placing the order, please wait for the notification of approval. When receiving the notification letter, please go to [Order Enquiry] to check the payment information and complete the payment within 7 days.
  4. After the payment is completed, please email your name, bank name, and the last 5 digits of your account number to the Center for Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching of NYCU (heat@nycu.edu.tw) for confirmation.
  5. The Center for Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching will send a "Notification of Completion of Registration" letter to complete the registration process.