- 更新日期113-11-28
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113下學期_課務相關日期(含選課操作說明)(Academic Calendar for Spring Semester 2025)
- 更新日期113-12-12
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113學年度第1學期學生學期成績登分說明 Students' Semester Grade reporting Instructions for the First Semester of 2024 Academic Year
- 更新日期113-11-25
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113學年度第1學期期末至113學年度第2學期期初研究生學位考試成績及學籍處理原則 Principles for Handling Postgraduate Students’ Degree Examinations and Status from the End of the Second Semester of the 2024 Academic Year to the Beginning of the First Semester of the 2025 Academic Year
- 更新日期113-11-13
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114學年度起博學獎學金獎勵期間調整為修讀博士班之第一學年 Starting from the academic year 2025, the Erudite Scholarship award period will be adjusted to the first academic year of doctoral studies.
- 更新日期113-11-04
- 分類教學發展中心
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【博士生招募說明會】簡報資料,歡迎博士生加入開設跨領域AI應用微學分課程。The presentation slides for the Ph.D. Recruitment Information Session.
- 更新日期113-11-01
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- 更新日期113-12-12
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113學年度第1學期學生學期成績登分說明 Students' Semester Grade reporting Instructions for the First Semester of 2024 Academic Year
- 更新日期113-11-25
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113學年度第1學期期末至113學年度第2學期期初研究生學位考試成績及學籍處理原則 Principles for Handling Postgraduate Students’ Degree Examinations and Status from the End of the Second Semester of the 2024 Academic Year to the Beginning of the First Semester of the 2025 Academic Year
- 更新日期113-11-13
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114學年度起博學獎學金獎勵期間調整為修讀博士班之第一學年 Starting from the academic year 2025, the Erudite Scholarship award period will be adjusted to the first academic year of doctoral studies.
- 更新日期113-10-21
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本校電子成績單於113年10月15日正式開放申請 The official electronic transcript has been available for application since October 15, 2024
- 更新日期113-10-21
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公告本校學生逕修讀博士學位獎學金作業要點 Announcement of the NYCU Regulations for Students in Direct Pursuit of a PhD Degree Scholarship
- 更新日期113-08-29
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113學年度台聯大跨校修讀輔系及雙主修核准名單公告 Admission announcement of Inter-School Academic Minors/Inter-School Academic Double Majors under the University System of Taiwan (UST) in Academic Year 2024
- 更新日期113-11-28
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113下學期_課務相關日期(含選課操作說明)(Academic Calendar for Spring Semester 2025)
- 更新日期113-12-17
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- 更新日期113-12-03
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113下學期_課程時間表已公告The course schedule of the spring semester of 2025 academic year has been already announced on the official website.
- 更新日期113-11-12
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113上學期_教學反應問卷學生填答時間2024/11/12-2024/12/29 (Questionnaire on Response to Teaching)
- 更新日期113-10-30
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- 更新日期113-10-30
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颱風季節是否上課~請依人事行政局公佈(The typhoon season –course information announcement )
- 更新日期113-11-15
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- 更新日期113-10-23
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- 更新日期113-07-31
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- 更新日期113-06-24
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- 更新日期113-05-30
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- 更新日期113-05-30
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- 更新日期113-11-04
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【博士生招募說明會】簡報資料,歡迎博士生加入開設跨領域AI應用微學分課程。The presentation slides for the Ph.D. Recruitment Information Session.
- 更新日期113-11-01
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- 更新日期113-11-18
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- 更新日期113-11-18
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- 更新日期113-11-08
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【助教講座-助教練武場】113年11月22日 10:00-12:00 圖解商業簡報技巧
- 更新日期113-10-30
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- 更新日期113-09-19
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【培訓】11月1~30日博士生/博士後第7屆國際高教培訓暨認證徵募! Call for Applications in November – 7th Foundational of Certificate of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education for Ph.D. and Postdoc!!
- 更新日期113-09-10
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賀!社區健康照護研究所周承珍副教授榮獲HEA Fellowship! Congratulations to our new HEA Fellow ─ Prof. Cheng-Chen Chou!!
- 更新日期113-09-06
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賀!公共衛生研究所莊宜芳副教授榮獲Senior Fellowship HEA! Congratulations to our new HEA Senior Fellow ─Prof. Yi-Fang Chuang!!
- 更新日期113-08-16
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賀!臨護所廖媛美教授榮獲HEA Fellowship! Congratulations to our new HEA Fellow ─ Prof. Yuan-Mei Liao!!
- 更新日期113-08-13
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賀!衛生福利研究所喬芷教授榮獲Senior Fellowship HEA! Congratulations to our new HEA Senior Fellow ─Prof. Chi Chiao!!
- 更新日期113-08-06
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賀!神經科學研究所張立鴻副教授榮獲Senior Fellowship HEA! Congratulations to our new HEA Senior Fellow ─Prof. Li-Hung Chang!!
- 更新日期113-11-12
- 發布單位EMI課程教學與學習中心
【活動轉知】English Corner-每周三開口說英文
- 更新日期113-11-11
- 發布單位EMI課程教學與學習中心
【Seniors Talk學長姐聊書本外的實戰經驗】張惟帆學姊_管你I人E人,都請好好學英文Why learn English?
- 更新日期113-11-08
- 發布單位EMI課程教學與學習中心
- 更新日期113-11-08
- 發布單位EMI課程教學與學習中心
【EMI 教師分享會】顧彩璇教授_EMI在全球工程與人文教育中的反思English as a Medium of Instruction or Impediment?
- 更新日期113-10-14
- 發布單位雙語教育與學習推動辦公室
- 更新日期113-10-09
- 發布單位EMI課程教學與學習中心
【異國文化同不同】Is Foreign Culture Foreign_Session 2_College Life