第一條 實施目的
第二條 定義
第三條 研習活動
第四條 優秀教學助理評選
一、 教務處於每學期末定期對修課學生、授課教師進行意見調查,作為選拔傑出及優良教學助理、提升教師教學輔導品質之參考。
二、 每學年各學院推薦優秀教學助理提送至教發中心,再由中心召開教學發展諮詢委員會進行卓越、傑出教學助理獎及優良教學助理之評選。
三、 卓越、傑出教學助理獎及優良教學助理總名額以不超過當學年度教學助理人數5%為原則,卓越、傑出教學助理獎總名額以不超過優良教學助理奬人數5%為原則。
第五條 獎勵
一、 當選卓越、傑出教學助理者,公開表揚並頒予獎狀及獎金。當選優良教學助理者,公開表揚並頒予獎狀及獎品。
二、 卓越教學助理獲獎者每人100點,傑出教學助理獲獎者每人30點。點數折合率依當年度經費情況另訂之。
三、 鼓勵表現優秀的教學助理,彰顯其教學熱忱與技能,特辦理卓越、傑出及優良教學助理頒獎活動並由教務長頒發獎狀。
第六條 本準則經教務會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Implementation Guidelines for Teaching Assistants
Approved at the 1st Academic Affairs Meeting of the 2021 academic year (September 1, 2021)
Approved at the 3rd Academic Affairs Meeting of the 2023 academic year (March 18, 2024)
Article 1 Implementation Purpose
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) has formulated these Guidelines to honor teaching assistants for their excellent performance in tutoring and to recognize their efforts and contributions to teaching at NYCU.
Article 2 Definition
Teaching assistants (TAs) assist teachers in their teaching related work. Teaching assistants’ primary tasks include cooperating with teachers, assisting teachers in preparing class materials, offering after-class academic consultation services, maintaining digital teaching platforms and course websites, and assisting in other teaching related activities.
Teaching assistant positions are generally held by postgraduate students. If an undergraduate student must fill a position due to the special nature of a course, the appointment must be approved by the department offering the course.
Article 3 Seminars
To help teaching assistants thoroughly comprehend the spirit of the institution and assist in teaching work, every semester, the NYCU Center for Teaching and Learning Development or individual teaching units will hold teaching assistant seminars according to their authorities (including symposiums and workshops, teaching experience sharing, production of multimedia teaching materials, practical course operations on the digital teaching platform, and operation of the distance learning system).
Article 4 Selection of Excellent Teaching Assistants
1. The Office of Academic Affairs conducts a teaching assistant evaluation survey at the end of every semester to collect feedback from students and instructors. The survey results serve as a reference for selecting Outstanding and Excellent Teaching Assistants and for enhancing teachers’ teaching and tutoring quality.
2. Every academic year, each college recommends excellent teaching assistants to the Center for Teaching and Learning Development. Then, the Center convenes the Teaching Development Advisory Committee to conduct the Prominent and Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards and select Excellent Teaching Assistants.
3. In principle, the total number of teaching assistants presented with Prominent and Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards and the total number of Excellent Teaching Assistants should not exceed 5% of the total number of teaching assistants for the current academic year. Additionally, the total number of Prominent and Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards should not exceed 5% of the total number of Excellent Teaching Assistant Awards.
Article 5 Awards
1. Teaching assistants who are selected as Prominent and Outstanding Teaching Assistants will be publicly commended and awarded a certificate of merit and a monetary incentive. Teaching assistants who are selected as Excellent Teaching Assistants will be publicly commended and awarded a certificate of merit and a prize.
2. Each winner of the Prominent Teaching Assistant Award will be granted 100 points, and each winner of the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award will be granted 30 points. The point redemption rate is regulated separately based on the budget for that year.
3. To encourage teaching assistants with outstanding performance to manifest their passion for teaching and their teaching skills, an award ceremony for Prominent, Outstanding, and Excellent Teaching Assistants will be held, and the Dean of Academic Affairs will present the certificates of merit at the ceremony.
Article 6 These Guidelines and the amendments thereto will be enacted after being approved by the Academic Affairs Meeting.