143302 生醫產業創業風險管理與租稅規劃
130108 藥理學概論 Introduction of Pharmacology
130118科學寫作與學術生涯Science, Writing, and academic career
130115臨床試驗概論與實務Fundamentals and Practice of Clinical Research
130112醫藥產業暨行銷Pharmaceutical Industry and Marketing
131403 推測牙醫學 Speculative Dentistry
DEDE30008口腔顏面疼痛與神經科學Orofacial Pain and Neuroscience
MDBS30013情緒神經科學Affective Neuroscience
310016 戲劇類型電影研究
DEDE10065牙科生物醫學基礎Introduction to Research Methods in Oral Medicine
114000高齡整合照護理論與實踐Holistically Integrated Geriatric Care: Theoretical and Practical Approach
114001高齡科技應用Integrated Elderly Care and the Application of Technology
161057聲音的可能性:幕後探索The Chances of Sound: Behind the Scenes
133102 科學實在論 / Scientific Realism