


  • 教學發展中心

  • 更新日期:113-05-31
  • 發布單位:教學發展中心


為鼓勵本校教師發展各教學方法之創新性、實用性、完整性、啟發性,並提升學生學習具體成效者, 特辦理特色課程獎勵,歡迎教師申請!

  • 於本校開設具學分的正式課程 / 體育教育中心開設之體育課程
  • 創新類:
       1. 三年內曾獲相關研究計畫補助之課程。 
       2. 三年內曾獲本校激勵型教學課程補助之課程。
       3. 獲開課單位所屬學院推薦之特色課程,每學院推薦以一門為原則。

📚申請方式:填妥「特色課程獎勵-創新類」申請書,送至教學發展中心,並將電子檔寄至timi@nycu.edu.tw(教發中心 郭小姐#50148)。
The " Featured Courses award" for the 111-2 semester and the 112-1 semester is now open for application.
👉Extend the application deadline to June 10th.👈

To encourage the school’s teachers to develop innovative, practical, complete, and inspiring teaching methods, those who have managed to help students learn effectively are qualified to apply for the Featured Courses award.Welcome to alpply!
📚Application Period: April 19, 113 (Friday) to June 3, 113 (Monday).(Extend the application deadline to June 10th.)
  • Formal courses with credits offered by our university or physical education courses offered by the Physical Education Center.
  • The Innovation Category:
       1. Courses that have been awarded relevant research grants within the past three years.
           *For example:MOE “Teaching Practice Research” Subsidies Program, MOE “New Engineering Education Method Experiment & Construction” Project.
       2. Courses that have been awarded grants from the school for inspiring students and getting them involved over the past three years.
           *For example:Motivational teaching projects,  Capstone courses of faculty or Cross-Disciplinary Program, Cross-campus exchange and promotion project, Intercampus course exchange and promotion project, General courses.
       3.Featured courses recommended by the colleges to which the teaching units belong. In principle, each college can only recommend one course.
          *Each college can recommend one course each semester.
📚Semesters Eligible: 111-2 semester, 112-1 semester.
📚How to Apply:Please complete the " Featured Courses award- The Innovation Category Application Form" and submit it to the Center for Teaching and Learning Development. Also, send the soft copy to Ms. Guo(timi@nycu.edu.tw).
📚Award: The winning courses will be awarded with certificates and bonuses(up to five points for each course) ,the conversion rate of points is depending on the annual funds.
📚Relevant Regulations and Application Form:Please refer to the attached information.