- 更新日期:113-05-27
- 發布單位:註冊一組
113學年度校內轉系暨台灣聯合大學系統學生轉校申請須知 Notes for Students Applying for Department Transfer and Inter-School Transfer under the University System of Taiwan (UST) in Academic Year 2024
- 學生申請轉系至多得申請三個學系(含台灣聯合大學系統學生轉校)。
- 請詳閱本校「學生轉系所辦法」及「台灣聯合大學系統學生轉校規定」。註冊組網站「法規」查詢。
- 各學系招收轉系學生審查要點。
- 台灣聯合大學系統學生轉校申請須知(連結網址)
- 113學年度醫學系校內轉系甄試相關作業說明。(連結)
- 不得申請轉系之身份:
- 依台灣聯合大學系統學生轉校規定核准轉入本校就讀者,不得申請轉系、組、院學士班。
- 依離島生資格入學者,依據「離島地區學生保送高級中等以上學校辦法」第十條規定,不得申請轉校(系、科)。但有特殊情況報經原保送之地方政府同意者,不在此限。
- 依招生簡章或相關法令之規定入學者。
- 本學期受理學生轉系(醫學系除外)暨轉校申請時間為113年6月11日(二)至7月5日(五)下午5:00止,逾期不受理。審查結果擬於113年8月15日(四)公告。
- 志願內含有醫學系者收件截止時間皆為6月28日(五) 下午5:00止,逾期不受理。
- 申請路徑:本校單一入口→陽明交大校區→學籍成績系統→學籍→個人管理→線上學籍異動申請→轉系。
- 系統擬於6月11日開放受理申請。《系統操作說明》
- 系統預設為申請校內轉系,如要申請台聯大轉校,請勾選「台聯大」選擇學校並自行輸入完整學系(組)名稱。
- 申請台聯大轉校,申請表須經由系主任及導師簽核。請同學與就讀學系聯繫,確認可領取「台聯大轉校申請表」的時間。
- 請依規定備齊要申請之系所要求的審查文件,備齊後於申請截止時間前送至所屬校區的註冊組並繳交成績單工本費(每份20元)。
- ★申請校內轉系者,學生先至註冊組繳交「轉系(組)暨轉校申請表」及相關資料,經註冊組檢視後,由學生將申請資料繳至志願學系。
- ★申請台聯大轉校者,由註冊組收件並轉交給申請學校。
- 申請表:壹份(不需要另外影印,放入不同志願之資料袋);如同時申請台灣聯合大學系統轉校,需另檢附台灣聯合大學系統轉校申請表壹份。
- A4(或大於)資料袋:一個志願準備一個A4(或大於)資料袋,資料袋封面黏貼規定的「審查資料封面」,封口請勿黏貼。
- 成績單:由註冊組統一印製並送至志願學系(無需自行準備),一個志願一份成績單並收取成績單工本費每份20元。
- 繳費方式:
- 至註冊組繳費。
- 或至「學籍成績文件線上申請系統」(網址:https://regapp.nycu.edu.tw/Views/User/UserLogin)申請成績單,於備註欄填寫「申請校內轉系暨轉校用」,如未備註將視為一般申請件。
- 如欲申請的系所要求「操行成績」,請自行檢附。
- 陽明校區:本校單一入口→陽明校區→校園生活→學務處資訊系統→學生活動紀錄表,即可查詢、下載及列印。
- 交大校區:請與生活輔導二組洽詢。
- 以上符合各學系之轉系申請條件者,不代表通過轉系,仍須經各學系審查小組審查通過,始得轉入。
- 平轉:一年級轉二年級;降轉:二年級轉二年級。
- 請告知您這學期所有修課課程教師,由於您有申請轉系(校),請授課教師協助盡量於繳交學期成績截止日(本學期為6月28日)前將您這學期的成績上傳至學籍成績系統,以免影響您的轉系(校)結果。
- 學士班之外國學生、僑生、陸生及身心障礙學生確因不合志趣或其他因素,無法在原系繼續肄業者,且需經相關單位(外國學生、僑生及陸生由境外生事務組輔導,身心障礙學生由健康心理中心輔導)查實後,得依本校學生轉系所辦法第5條規定辦理。於第二學年開始,並依教務處公告日期提出申請。符合上開條件之申請學生,請於6月25日(志願內含醫學系者)及7月2日(申請其他學系者)前將申請表送至審核單位審核,並於截止日前送至註冊組。
- 業務洽詢:
- 陽明校區註冊一組 02-2826-7000 轉62037 林小姐 地點:行政大樓三樓,信箱:yunjing@nycu.edu.tw
- 交大校區註冊二組 03-5712121 轉31465 蔡小姐 地點:科學一館一樓,信箱:hsuantsai@nycu.edu.tw
- Any student applying for transfer to another department may apply for a maximum of three departments (including inter-school transfer under the University System of Taiwan).
- Please read carefully “the NYCU Regulations for Transfer of Students between Departments/Institutes” and “University System of Taiwan (UST) Regulations for Inter-School Transfer,” which can be found in the “Regulations” section on the Division of Registrar’s website.
- The criteria for student transfers vary for each department.
- Guidelines for Students Applying for Inter-School Transfer under the University System of Taiwan (UST). (link) (https://aca.nccu.edu.tw/zh//index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5309)
- Description of evaluation procedures for transfer to the School of Medicine in the Academic Year 2024. (link)
- Students not eligible for department transfer:
- Students approved for admission to the NYCU under the University System of Taiwan (UST) Regulations for Inter-School Transfer are not allowed to apply for transfer to another department, sub‑department, or undergraduate program.
- According to Article 10 of the “Regulations of Recommendation of Offshore Island Students to High Schools,” students admitted to the NYCU as offshore island students are not allowed to apply for inter-school (department, major) transfer. Except for any special circumstances and approval is gained from the original local government that recommended the students.
- Students admitted to the NYCU in accordance with the admission prospectus or related laws and regulations.
- The period for receiving students’ applications (excluding the School of Medicine) for department transfer and inter-school transfer in the current semester is from Tuesday, June 11 to Friday, July 5, 2024 ,and ends at 5pm. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted. The review result will be announced on Thursday, August 15, 2024.
- The deadline for applications with department choices, including the School of Medicine, is on Friday, June 28, 2024 ,and ends at 5pm. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted.
- Application Path: NYCU Portal → NYCU Campus →Grading System → Student Status → Online Application for Student Status Change → Department Transfer.
- The system will be open for application on June 11.
- The system is preset to apply for a department transfer. To apply for an inter-school transfer under the UST, please tick UST to select a school and enter the full name of the department (sub‑department).
- To apply for an inter-school transfer under the UST, the application form must be signed by the department chair and advisor. Please contact your department to confirm when an “Application Form for Inter-School Transfer under the UST” will be available.
- Please have all review documents required by the department/institute you intend to transfer into in place, send them to the Division of Registrar of the campus where the department/institute is located and pay a transcript issuance fee (NT$20 per copy) by the application deadline. For students applying for transfer to another department, they should first submit the” Application Form for Department Transfer and Inter-School Transfer under the UST” with relevant documents to the Division of Registrar. After the Division of Registrar reviews all the documents, the student is responsible for submitting the application documents to department of their choices. For those applying for Inter-School Transfer under the UST, the Division of Registrar will receive the application and deliver it to the applicant school.
- Application form: One and only (An additional photocopy is not required. If you intend to also file an application for an inter-school transfer under the UST, please also attach one Application Form for Inter-School Transfer under the UST.
- A4 (or larger) file envelope: Prepare one A4 (or larger) file envelope for one choice. Paste a “Review Document Cover” to the cover of the file envelope as required. Please do not seal the envelope.
- Transcript: Printed and submitted to the departments by the Division of Registrar (Applicants are not required to print by themselves). One copy for one choice and NT$20 will be charged per copy.
- Payment Method:
- Make the payment at the Division of Registrar.
- Go to the “Online Academic Document Application System” (at https://regapp.nycu.edu.tw/Views/User/UserLogin) to apply for a transcript and indicate “For application for department transfer and inter-school transfer” in the Remarks column. The application without remarks will be considered a general application.
- If a certain “ethics grade” is required by the department you intend to transfer into, please provide relevant certificates.
- YangMing Campus: NYCU Portal → YangMing Campus → Campus Life → Office of Student Affairs Information System → Student Activity Record Form. You can view, download and print it.
- ChiaoTung Campus: Please contact The 2nd Division of Student Assistance.
- Satisfying the aforesaid department transfer requirements of departments does not mean that students are approved for transfer to the department. The students are still subject to approval by the review committee of the respective departments for transfer to the department.
- Same grade transfer: First-year student to second-year student; Lower grade transfer: Second-year student to second-year student.
- Please inform the professors of all courses you have taken in the semester for which, due to your application for department (inter-school) transfer, you need them to upload your grades for this semester to the Grades System by the deadline for grade submission (June 28 for the current semester) to avoid affecting your department (inter-school) transfer result.
- If it is really impossible for them to continue studying in the original department due to incompatible interests or other factors, foreign students, overseas Chinese students, and mainland students who have been counseled by the Division of Overseas Student Affairs, as well as students mental and physical health challenges who have been counseled by the Mental Health and Counseling Center can apply for a department transfer should be handled in accordance with Article 5 of the NYCU Regulations for Transfer of Students between Departments/Institutes and starting from the second academic year, according to the date announced by the Office of Academic Affairs. Students who meet the above criteria, please submit your application forms to the review department for evaluation before June 25 (for applications with department choices including the School of Medicine) and July 2 (for those applying for transfer to other departments). Additionally, please submit the application forms to the Division of Registrar before the deadline.
- The contact information is shown below:
- Email: yunjing@nycu.edu.tw
- Phone: (02)2826-7000 ext.62037
- Email: hsuantsai@nycu.edu.tw
- Phone: 03-5131465 ext.31465