


  • 課務組

  • 更新日期:113-08-29
  • 發布單位:課務二組
113上學期_選課須知(含選課操作說明PPT)Course Registration

主旨:有關本校113上學期選課的重要事宜,如附說明,請  查照。


二、選課網址:本校生請由陽明交大單一入口 請點選「陽明交通大學」-「一般選課系統」。(若無法登入,請改用「無痕」網頁模式)

三、 選課前,請先「課程規劃」(非正式選課)。選課時間,同學從「課程規劃區」將課程加入「正式選課清單」。


(2)選課分發:8月29日(四) 上午10:00關閉,系統進行有人數上限課程亂數分發。

(四)開學後加退選:9月2日中午12:00~9月13日上午10:00 (最後選課截止為9月13日上午10:00)


(一)校共同(通識/核心、外語/語言溝通、體育等):請留意校共同課程之上課地點(如[YM]或[GF]) 。







Please be sure to understand the required/elective courses of your majors (undergraduate student) or the required course regulations of your programs (graduate students). For the latest course registration announcements and instructions, please refer to the Division of Curriculum’s website (https://aa.nycu.edu.tw/aa/ch/app/folder/2501 ).
Course registration system route:
https://portal.nycu.edu.tw > National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University> Online Course Registration System. (If you are unable to log into the system, please switch to Incognito window)

Before the official course selection period begins, click on “Emulator” icon to plan course schedule (please note that this does not mean you complete the course registration). During the course selection period, you must add the courses to the “register list” then check out the course selection result.
(1) Emulator is for planning only, there will be no schedule conflict/restriction check.
(2) During the course selection period, you must add courses to the “register list”. You may not be able to register a course if it conflicts with another course. If you see “Permission denied”, it means you are currently not eligible for the course registration. Please contact the Dept. of course offering for further information of assistance.

Fall semester, 2024 course selection period:
Stage 1 of course selection (end): Jun/11 12:00 PM ~ Jun/14 10:00 AM
Stage 2 of course selection (end): Jun/17 12:00 PM ~Jun/20 10:00 AM

Stage 3 of course selection: Aug/26 12:00 PM ~Aug/29 10:00 AM
(1) Accessible hours of the course registration system are 24 hours every day during the course selection period.
(2) The system will be closed on Aug/29 10:00 AM. (students will be assigned according to computer-randomized numbers within a class quota)
Add and drop course after classes begin:Sep/2 12:00 PM- Sep/13 10:00 AM (Deadline:Sep/13 10:00AM)
(1) Accessible hours of the course registration system are from 12:00 PM every day to 10:00 AM next day.
(2) The system will be closed from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM every day (students will be assigned according to computer-randomized numbers within a class quota)

Graduate students please refer to the required course regulations of your programs and make sure you register the core courses as required.
Common Required Courses:Please pay attention to the class location of common required courses in college and common required courses for undergraduate.
(1) " Permission denied" which means that you do not have the priority of this class. For more details, please contact the Dept. of course offering for further information of
(2) Students will be assigned according to computer-randomized numbers within a class quota. The most common situations of not distributed are as below:
Course schedule conflict.
The course is full.
Course distribution limit. (EX: General education course/Core course).
It is recommended that students fill up their volunteers when they choose common courses. After the selection, they could adjust courses after the beginning of the semester.

‘Online Course Add and Drop Application Form’ is for students who were unable to add or drop courses online due to special circumstances during the course registration period, and also got the permission from the course instructor. After submitting the application form, please confirm your course list on course system (the result will be based on your course system records). https://aa.nycu.edu.tw/aa/ch/app/data/view?module=nycu0038&id=2508&serno=daf0d31f-4509-450d-9653-bdbcc8f2726e
You may contact Department, Division of Curriculum or Office of International Affairs for any further assistance.
Division of Curriculum contact info:
Yang-Ming Campus: 02-2826-7000 #62038、62039、62415
Chiao Tung Campus: 03-571-2121 #50422-50423
Office of International Affairs contact info:
Yang-Ming Campus: 02-2826-7000 # 65133
Chiao Tung Campus: 03-571-2121 # 50660

The E3 system will update the course selection information the next day. If you have any questions about E3 system, please contact the Division of Teaching Resources at extension: 31433

Please check the confirmation on the online course selection system before Sep/12 Course selection results are mainly based on online system. For students who take cross-college courses, kindly confirm the result online on the next day of submitting application.
Reminder:abuse of campus network system and resources is prohibited. Violators will face
punishment according to the university regulations