- 更新日期:113-03-22
- 發布單位:教務處
【3/25至5/15早鳥享報名優惠】全台獨具英國認證的「國際高教英語授課 EMI 課程」,歡迎教師踴躍報名!
國際高教英語授課EMI課程計畫 (Advance HE EMI Training for Professional Academics)歡迎教師踴躍報名!
| 報名日期 Registration Period:2024年3月25日~6月7日17:00止
| 早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount :2024年3月25日~5月15日17:00止
| 報名網址 Registration Link:報名請點我!Click !!
| 課程詳情 Program Details:更多課程說明!Course Details !!

全臺唯一經英國Advance HE授權認證的「國際高教英語授課 EMI 課程(Advance HE EMI Training for Professional Academics)」開放報名!由來自英國高等教育學院 (Advance HE) 國際高教培訓講師和國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓團隊講師共同授課,提供兼具國際視野和臺灣實務經驗的EMI專業培訓。
| 報名日期 Registration Period:2024年3月25日~6月7日17:00止
| 早鳥優惠 Early Bird Discount :2024年3月25日~5月15日17:00止
| 報名網址 Registration Link:報名請點我!Click !!
| 課程詳情 Program Details:更多課程說明!Course Details !!

Specific "Advance HE EMI Training for Professional Academics" authorized and certified by Advance HE in UK. This training program will be co-taught by instructors from the international higher education training team at Advance HE and the NYCU HEAT team, offering professional training that combines an international perspective with practical experience from Taiwan.
🌟課程特色 Course Features:
🌟課程特色 Course Features:
- 與PSF 2023教師專業準則一致的國際認證課程,有效與國際高教教學標準連結。Aligned with PSF 2023 Teaching Professional Standards that linked to international higher education teaching standards effectively.
- 國際連結在地的多元化師資與教學,有效強化課程設計力解決教學挑戰。Connected diverse of faculty and instruction within international and Taiwan, to strengthen curriculum design and solve teaching challenges.
- 高教教學理論與實踐相結合,搭配教學自我反思與同儕回饋佐證教學成效。Integration of higher education teaching theory and practice and used teaching self-reflection and peer feedback to prove teaching effectiveness.
- 國際高教 HEA Fellowship專業認證,提升個人專業發展和國際競爭力。Optional to get the HEA Fellowship to enhance professional development and international competitiveness.
歡迎各大專校院教師踴躍報名!! 報名請點我!Click !!