- 更新日期:113-05-15
- 發布單位:教務處
6/7 (五)12:10-13:30 邀您參加第七屆國際高教培訓暨認證線上說明會!!
- 提昇個人於高等教育的教學職能發展
- 獲得具國際機構認可的教學衡量標準與內容
- 教學符合國際高教專業教學架構(PSF 2023)
- 教學深入反思與探討,實現高教承諾
- 提供跨領域合作與交流的機會
- 協助申請並取得英國Advance HE具國際公信力的專業教學認證(HEA Fellowship)
想先聽聽國際高教培訓暨認證對自我提昇與教學的幫助,以及通過培訓暨認證教師的豐富收穫,請報名 6/7 (五) 線上說明會
日期/時間:6月7日(五) 12:10 ─ 13:30
會議連結:Live on Webex (報名後寄送)
想先聽聽國際高教培訓暨認證對自我提昇與教學的幫助,以及通過培訓暨認證教師的豐富收穫,請報名 6/7 (五) 線上說明會
日期/時間:6月7日(五) 12:10 ─ 13:30
會議連結:Live on Webex (報名後寄送)
- 12:10─12:12開場
- 12:12─12:15致詞與鼓勵─陳永昇教務長FHEA
- 12:15─12:45國際高教培訓暨認證說明─林律君主任SFHEA
- 12:45─12:55微生物及免疫學研究所徐嘉琳副教授 FHEA
- 12:55─13:05經驗分享─資訊工程學系陳奕廷助理教授FHEA
- 13:05─13:30問題與討論
heat@nycu.edu.tw 03-5712121#50183陳小姐
Online Orientation of the 7th Cohort of Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching
The 7th cohort (2024-2025) of the Enhancement in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Programme (ELTHE) for teachers will be open for registration in July. We will conduct 3 modules of 45 hours of professional teaching enhancement training in August, October and January. The Foundations in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Programme (FLTHE) for PhD students and postdocs will be open for registration in November. 18 hours of foundational teaching training will be conducted in January. We invite teachers/PhD students/postdocs who are interested in the programmes to join us and learn how the programmes and certificates can help you enhance your teaching and self-development, as well as the enriching experiences from teachers who have completed the progamme.
The programmes will support you to:
heat@nycu.edu.tw 03-5712121#50183陳小姐
Online Orientation of the 7th Cohort of Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching
The 7th cohort (2024-2025) of the Enhancement in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Programme (ELTHE) for teachers will be open for registration in July. We will conduct 3 modules of 45 hours of professional teaching enhancement training in August, October and January. The Foundations in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Programme (FLTHE) for PhD students and postdocs will be open for registration in November. 18 hours of foundational teaching training will be conducted in January. We invite teachers/PhD students/postdocs who are interested in the programmes to join us and learn how the programmes and certificates can help you enhance your teaching and self-development, as well as the enriching experiences from teachers who have completed the progamme.
The programmes will support you to:
- Enhance your teaching development in higher education
- Obtain the teaching standards and content recognized by international organizations
- Make your teaching aligned with the Professional Standard Framework 2023 (PSF 2023)
- Fulfill the commitment to higher education with critical reflection and discussion in teaching
- Provides opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange
- Apply and gain Advance HE’s international formal recognition (HEA Fellowship)
To learn more about and apply for the 7th (2024-2025) Cohort of the Higher Education in Accreditation for Teaching, please visit the HEAT website
To learn more about how the programmes and certificates can help you enhance your teaching and self-development, as well as the enriching experiences from teachers who have completed the progamme, please register for the online orientation on 7th June (Fri):
【Information for the orientation】
Date & Time:7th June (Fri.) 12:10 pm ─ 13:30 pm
Meeting Link:Live on Webex (The link will be sent after the registration)
Language: Mandarin
To learn more about how the programmes and certificates can help you enhance your teaching and self-development, as well as the enriching experiences from teachers who have completed the progamme, please register for the online orientation on 7th June (Fri):
【Information for the orientation】
Date & Time:7th June (Fri.) 12:10 pm ─ 13:30 pm
Meeting Link:Live on Webex (The link will be sent after the registration)
Language: Mandarin
- 12:10─12:12 Opening
- 12:12─12:15 Welcome Speech and Encouragement
- 12:15─12:45 Introduction to CLTHE & FLTHE programme
- 12:45─13:05 Sharing of Programme and Certification Experiences
- 13:05─13:30 Q & A
Organizer:Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching (HEAT), NYCU: heat@nycu.edu.tw 03-5712121#50183 Ms. Chen