


  • 更新日期:113-04-18
  • 發布單位:教學資源組
報名日期 Registration period
教師 For NYCU Faculty:2023/7/1~2023/7/31
博士生/博士後 For NYCU Ph.D. students and Postdocs:2023/11/1~2023/11/30

Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (CLTHE) Program, 2023-2024


推動目標 Aims
本校國際高教培訓暨認證中心(Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching, HEAT)與英國高等教育學院 (Advance HE) 合作,每年針對專任/專任專案/合聘教師舉辦一屆國際高教培訓暨認證 (Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, CLTHE),共3階段60小時培訓。針對博士生/博士後,舉辦一屆國際高教奠基培訓暨認證 (Foundations in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, FLTHE),為1階段18小時培訓。高教培訓課程主要輔助教師與博士生/博士後提昇高等教育專業教學知能及技巧,使教學符合國際高教專業教學架構標準 (Professional Standards Framework, PSF)。培訓後協助申請並獲得國際高等教育專業認證 (HEA Fellowship)。每人參加培訓暨認證之8萬元費用由學校全額補助。
The professional certificate of teaching and learning in advance higher education (CLTHE) program is co-designed within the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) and the Advance HE in the United Kingdom. This program aims to provide full-time faculty, doctoral students, and postdocs with professional training for enhancing teaching and students’ learning in higher education. All participants are encouraged to do some activities and use critical concepts that learn in the program, reflect in the class, and continue to think and to improve how to improve students’ learning. After the program, all participants are required to apply for the HEA certificate using their pedagogical design and personal development.


培訓暨認證參與優勢 Benefits


Consolidates personal development and evidence of professional practice in your higher education career.


Provides a valuable measure of success and is increasingly recognized by international institutions.


Provides assurance that your institution is fully aligned with UKPSF practice and a badge of assured quality.


Demonstrates commitment to teaching, learning, and the student experience, through engagement in a practical process that encourages research, reflection, and development.


獲得英國Advance HE具公信力的國際教學認證證明
For individuals, to identify their expertise with the entitlement to use post-nominal letters (AFHEA, FHEA, SFHEA, PFHEA).



培訓暨認證資訊 Program Information


國立陽明交通大學專任/專任專案/合聘教師 For NYCU Full-time Faculty
2023-2024第六屆國際高教培訓分為3個梯次共60小時,參與者需於9月第一梯次的培訓前,先繳交3萬元保證金,並全程參與分別於9月、11月與隔年1月舉行的培訓。培訓時將嚴格控管出席,最多只能請假6小時(約2個半天培訓),且每個梯次請假不超過3小時。參與者完成60小時培訓後,會先獲得Advance HE頒贈的完訓證書。培訓後需於隔年4月底前完成3,000字教學反思的國際高等教育專業認證 (HEA Fellowship)申請;申請認證後將退還保證金。
The program will be three modules within one academic year, from September 2022 to April 2023. All participants need to attend all modules and finish assigned tasks. Participants only can be asking for leave for 6 hours in whole module. After completing the training program, participants will be awarded a training certificate from Advance HE as passing the below rule of attendance. All participants will also be required to apply for the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship with a 3,000-word reflective commentary.


國立陽明交通大學在學博士生/博士後 For NYCU Ph.D. students and Postdocs
2023-2024國際高教奠基培訓為1個梯次18小時,參與者需全程參與培訓,完成培訓後會先獲得Advance HE頒贈的證書。培訓後需於2023年5月底前完成1,500字教學反思的國際高教初階會士認證(HEA Associate Fellowship)申請。
The program will be one module (3 days) within one academic year in January 2024. All participants need to attend the whole module and finish assigned tasks. After completing the training program, participants will be awarded a training certificate from Advance HE to pass the below rule of attendance. All participants will also be required to apply for the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Associate Fellowship with a 1,500 words reflective commentary.


參與者 Who can apply?


國立陽明交通大學專任/專任專案/合聘教師 Full-time Faculty members from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)


想要自我專業成長與教學提昇的教師 Those who want to grow and improve teaching


願意之後回流擔任國際高教培訓講師的教師 Those who are willing to serve as co-trainers in the coming years.


想與其他領域老師有共同教學話題開啟合作的教師 Faculty who are seeking the opportunity for cross-disciplinary cooperation in teaching.


已獲得/想獲得教學獎的教師 “Outstanding Teaching Awards” and “Remarkable Teaching Awards” recipients.


Faculty members of universities implementing International Competitiveness Project under the Higher Education Sprout Project, including National Taiwan University (NTU), National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU).
*教師名額上限30名 The maximum number of participants is 30.


國立陽明交通大學在學博士生/博士後 Ph.D. students, and post-doctoral researchers from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU)


想要自我專業成長與教學提昇的博士生/博士後 Those who want to grow and improve teaching


未來想擔任高教教師的博士生/博士後 Ph.D. students/ Post-doctoral researchers who want to become teachers of higher education
*博士生/博士後名額上限15名 The maximum number of participants is 15.


培訓暨認證費用 Fee


Free for NYCU faculty, Ph.D. students, and post-doctoral researchers. NYCU subsidies each participant NT$80,000 for the training and fellowship application fee for NYCU participants.


國立陽明交通大學參與的教師成功報名計畫後,每人需於第一梯次培訓前需繳交3萬元保證金。保證金將於符合下列要點,即透過學校流程退還保證金於薪資(郵局/玉山)帳戶中。:(1) 積極參與並完成培訓活動、(2) 達成3梯次60小時培訓時數,並於(3) 2024年4月30日(前)完成國際高等教育專業認證會士申請 (HEA Fellowship,3,000字)。
Each NYCU faculty must deposit NT$30,000 to enroll in the program successfully. The deposit will return as completing all modules’ requirements and submitting the application.


Attend all modules (An excused leave of 3 hours in each module is permitted).


Finish all assigned tasks during or after each module.


Submit the fellowship application (with 2 recommendation letters) before the end of April, 2024.


國立陽明交通大學在學博士生/博士後報名計畫後,不需繳交保證金,但需確實配合完成培訓暨認證申請,並於2024年5月31日(前)完成1,500字的國際高等教育專業認證初階會士 (HEA Associate Fellowship)申請。
No deposit is required for NYCU Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers to enroll in the FLTHE program. However, it is necessary to complete all the following requirements.


Complete the 3-day training course.


Finish all assigned tasks before and during the module.


Submit the HEA Associate Fellowship Application before the end of May, 2024.


培訓暨認證參與申請 Apply


Filling out the “Faculty form” or “Ph.D. / Doctoral Form.”


填寫完畢後請Mail至教務處國際高教培訓暨認證中心HEAT (heat@nycu.edu.tw) 分機:50183/31262
Mail back your “Faculty form” or “Ph.D. / Doctoral Form” to HEAT.


重要注意事項 Important notes


國立陽明交通大學參與的教師 For NYCU Faculty


英國Advance HE嚴格要求需管控出席,教師3梯次培訓需全程參與,最多只能請假6小時(約2個半天培訓),且每個梯次請假不超過3小時。若請假超過時數,恕不退還保證金。
Strict attendance requirements will be enforced. Unexcused absences will result in the required withdrawal from the program without a deposit refund.


培訓後必需申請Advance HE國際高教認證,未申請認證,將不退保證金。
After training, you need to apply for the HEA Fellowship. Otherwise, the deposit will not be refunded.


If you complete the certification application without sufficient training hours, the deposit will not be refunded.


國立陽明交通大學在學博士生/博士後 For NYCU Ph.D. students and Postdocs


不需繳交保證金,但需配合培訓時程,確實參與並完成主要18小時培訓。完成後由英國Advance HE提供培訓證書。
No deposit is required for NYCU Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers to enroll in the FLTHE program. However, it is necessary to complete the 3-day (18hours) module to obtain the training certificate.


It is not compulsory but recommended to attend all related activities before and after the module.


培訓後必需申請Advance HE國際高教認證。
After the module, you will need to write a 1500-word Associate Fellowship for Higher Education Accreditation and apply to Advance HE for accreditation.


NYCU reserves the right to adjust dates and training details to accommodate unforeseen circumstances.