- 更新日期:113-05-03
- 發布單位:教學發展中心
- 在本校任教二年以上之專任教師、約聘教師及專案教師(年資累計至113年1月31日止)。
- 於110-2、111-1、111-2、112-1學期間,至少二學期有實際授課。
- 未於前一學年度獲優良教學獎者。
- 三年內曾獲頒師鐸獎、星雲獎、全國性教學獎項、教育部優良教學獎之獎項者。
申請方式:請填妥「自我提名及學院提名申請表」送至教學發展中心,並將電子檔寄至timi@nycu.edu.tw(教發中心 郭小姐#50148)。
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Teaching Awards【Self-nomination】for the 112th Academic Year Begins!
All teachers meeting the following criteria are eligible to apply:
申請方式:請填妥「自我提名及學院提名申請表」送至教學發展中心,並將電子檔寄至timi@nycu.edu.tw(教發中心 郭小姐#50148)。
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Teaching Awards【Self-nomination】for the 112th Academic Year Begins!
All teachers meeting the following criteria are eligible to apply:
- All full-time, contract, and project teachers who have taught at the University for at least two years(The years of experience will be counted until January 31,2024.)
- Taught for at least two of the four semesters during the semester 110-2, 111-1, 111-2, and 112-1.
- Teachers who have not received the Excellent Teaching Award in the previous academic years.
- Teachers who have received prizes such as the National Excellent Teacher Award, the Hsing Yun Education Award, national teaching awards and the Ministry of Education's Excellence in Teaching Award within three years.
Application Period: From now until May 24, 2024.
How to Apply:Please complete the "Self-Nomination and Nomination by College Application Form" and submit it to the Center for Teaching and Learning Development. Also, send the soft copy to Ms. Guo(timi@nycu.edu.tw).
Selection Procedures:The selection procedures is subject to the review and approval by the Teaching Advisory Committee in accordance with its own selection regulations.
Teachers who have been approved for the Excellent Teaching Award by the Teaching Advisory Committee may be recommended by the committee as candidates for the Outstanding Teaching Award (those who have not received the Outstanding Teaching Award in the past two academic years).
They are required to submit an application form for the Outstanding Teaching Award and record a teaching sharing video,among other matters.
The list of previous winners and relevant regulations:Please visit the website for more information.
How to Apply:Please complete the "Self-Nomination and Nomination by College Application Form" and submit it to the Center for Teaching and Learning Development. Also, send the soft copy to Ms. Guo(timi@nycu.edu.tw).
Selection Procedures:The selection procedures is subject to the review and approval by the Teaching Advisory Committee in accordance with its own selection regulations.
Teachers who have been approved for the Excellent Teaching Award by the Teaching Advisory Committee may be recommended by the committee as candidates for the Outstanding Teaching Award (those who have not received the Outstanding Teaching Award in the past two academic years).
They are required to submit an application form for the Outstanding Teaching Award and record a teaching sharing video,among other matters.
The list of previous winners and relevant regulations:Please visit the website for more information.