Update Date:2023-12-18
Units:The 1st Division of Curriculum
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Distance Learning Courses Policy
In order to provide students with diversified and electronic learning methods, National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University (hereinafter referred to as “NYCU”) hereby enacts the National Yang
Ming Chiao Tung Distance Learning Courses Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”)
according to the Implementation Regulations Regarding Distance Learning by Universities.
The distance learning courses are defined by NYCU as:
(1) The courses taken by NYCU’s students online.
(2) The teaching hours for distance learning courses (synchronous and asynchronous) exceed 1/2
of the total teaching hours.The distance learning courses are offered based on the following principles:
(1) Each teacher is allowed to apply for no more than two subjects as distance learning courses
per semester.
(2) The teaching plan outline for distance learning courses shall be completed and submitted to the
relevant curriculum committees in the semester prior to organization of the distance learning
courses. Then, the courses may be offered only upon review and approval by the committee.
The courses approved upon review will be posted online and linked with the course
information website of the Ministry of Education accessible by the public.
(3) Foreign partner schools in the distance learning courses are limited to those included in the
reference roster of foreign universities published by the Ministry of Education, or those
recognized by the local government’s competent authority in charge of schools, or the
professional educational evaluation groups recognized by the authority.
(4) Instructors shall keep the information, such as teaching evaluation results, teaching plans,
teaching materials, interaction between teachers and students, learning assessment and
assignment, and submit the same to the Division of Teaching Resources of the Office of
Academic Affairs at the end of semester, as the reference for teacher evaluation or Ministry of
Education’s visit in the future. Additional teaching hours may apply based on the following principles:
(1) For the courses offered by a teacher as distance learning courses for the first time and
approved by the University’s curriculum committee, the teacher may apply for the teaching
hours for the courses calculated at 1.5 times for the same semester.
(2) The same teacher shall not claim additional teaching hours for courses similar in name or
nature again.
(3) No additional teaching hours shall apply, in the case of teaching hours for distance learning
courses taught by part-time and full-time program instructors. The teaching materials for distance learning courses shall be prepared by teachers
independently. If the teachers need to quote from another person’s work materials including
texts, charts or films when teaching the courses, they shall identify the source and quote the
same within reasonable extent or upon valid authorization, in order to satisfy the intellectual
property right laws and regulations, such as the Copyright Act.The distance learning shall apply NYCU’s e-learning platform as the first priority. The
teacher assessment shall also be conducted for the distance learning courses the same as the
general coursesAdministrative support from the Office of Academic Affairs:
(1) Division of Curriculum: Amendments to the Policy, organization of courses, review of
distance learning courses (the University’s Curriculum Committee), and course evaluation
survey, etc.
(2) Division of Teaching Resources: Public notice for distance learning courses, counseling and
training for distance teaching equipment and technology, distance learning course evaluation,
application for e-learning programs, and contact person for e-learning course certification.
(3) Center of Teaching and Learning Development: Organization of distance learning-related
workshops and sharing of teaching experience.Any matters not covered herein shall be governed by the Implementation Regulations Regarding
Distance Learning by Universities of Ministry of Education and NYCU’s related regulations.The Policy shall be implemented upon passing the Academic Affairs Meeting. The same shall
apply where the Policy is amended