Update Date:2024-06-04
Units:The 1st Division of Registrar
Independent Admission Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students and Students from Hong Kong and Macau National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Independent Admission Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students and Students from Hong Kong and Macau
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
113 學年度招生委員會第 5 次會議通過(113.3.28)
Approved in the 5th meeting of the Admissions Committee for the 113 Academic Year (March 28th, 2024)
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) has formulated
these regulations in accordance with Article 6-1 of the Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students
Returning to Taiwan for Studies and Guidance and Article 8 of the Regulations for Hong Kong and
Macau Residents Studying in Taiwan in order to handle admissions for overseas Chinese students and
students from Hong Kong and Macau.
This admission process is conducted by the University’s Admissions Committee in accordance with the
principles of openness, fairness, and impartiality. The Admissions Committee is formed according to
the regulations governing the establishment of the University’s Admissions Committee.
The admissions brochure should clearly state the selection methods, departments and programs
admitting students, duration of study, enrollment quotas, eligibility criteria, registration procedures,
examination subjects, scoring criteria, exam dates, exam regulations, acceptance principles, score
double-check procedures, procedure for handling applicants with the same scores, quota allocation
principles, enrollment procedures, replacement policy, procedures for handling admission disputes, and
other relevant rights and obligations of applicants. The admissions brochure should be made available
no later than twenty days before the start of registration or application.
The actual quotas for enrolling overseas Chinese students and students from Hong Kong and Macau at
the University are based on the principle of the previous academic year’s approved enrollment quotas
plus ten percent. If the quotas for enrolling overseas Chinese students and students from Hong Kong
and Macau exceed the previous academic year’s approved enrollment quotas plus ten percent, an
incremental plan (including quality control strategies and supporting measures) should be submitted to
the Ministry of Education for approval.
If there are vacancies among domestic students within the approved total enrollment quota for the
previous academic year, these vacancies may be filled by overseas Chinese students and students from
Hong Kong and Macau, subject to approval by the Ministry of Education.
The term “overseas Chinese students” in the regulations refers to ethnic Chinese students who are born
overseas and have resided continuously abroad until now, or who have resided continuously overseas
for at least six years, and have obtained permanent or long-term resident permits in their country of
residence and are returning to study in Taiwan. The term “students from Hong Kong and Macau” refers
to residents of Hong Kong or Macau who have obtained permanent resident permits in Hong Kong or
Macau, have resided continuously abroad for at least six years, and meet the provisions of Article 4 of
the “Hong Kong and Macau Relations Ordinance” without any other foreign passports. Applicants with
the afro-mentioned status may apply for admission to the University.
The term “overseas” refers to countries or regions outside the mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau,
while “abroad” refers to countries or regions outside the Taiwan region.
The status of continuous overseas residence for overseas Chinese students is confirmed in accordance
with Article 3 and Article 4 of the Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students Returning to Taiwan for
Studies and Guidance. The status of continuous residence abroad for students from Hong Kong and
Macau is confirmed in accordance with Article 3 and Article 4 of the Regulations for Hong Kong and
Macau Residents Studying in Taiwan.
The status of overseas Chinese studentsis confirmed by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, while
the status of students from Hong Kong and Macau is confirmed by the Ministry of Education.
Overseas Chinese students who come to Taiwan for study under guidance, but stay in Taiwan for less
than two years and withdraw from school or lose their student status due to unforeseen circumstances,
may apply for admission to study in Taiwan again, limited to one time only. However, overseas Chinese
students who have been expelled or had their student status revoked by the admitting school due to
serious misconduct, failed academic performance, or serious violation of laws or school regulations,
may not apply for admission under this provision.
Hong Kong and Macau residents studying in Taiwan who voluntarily withdraw from school due to
unforeseen circumstances, and have resided in Taiwan for less than two years, may apply for study in
Taiwan again, limited to one time only. However, those who have been expelled from school due to
misconduct or have been convicted of criminal offenses resulting in a final sentence may not apply for
admission under this provision.
The students recruited in this Regulation does not include overseas Chinese high-school graduates from
unregistered Chinese-medium schools in Myanmar or northern Thailand.
Chinese students with foreign nationality and permanent residence permit in Hong Kong or Macau, who
have never had household registration in Taiwan and have continuously resided in Hong Kong, Macau,
or overseas for over six years, may apply for admission to the University under this regulation before
relevant legal amendments take effect.
The overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau students listed in the first item, as well as the Chinese
students listed in the eighth item, who apply to study in the Medical, Dental, and Traditional Chinese
Medicine Departments of the University, must have resided abroad continuously for more than eight
Overseas Chinese students and Hong Kong/Macau students are not allowed to apply, under this
Regulation, for admission to the in-service master’s programs for recurrent education and other
programs held only at night or on weekends.
The eligibility for admission of overseas Chinese and Hong Kong/Macau students are as follows:
(1) High school graduates (including those graduating in the current year) or those with equivalent
qualifications may apply for admission to the undergraduate programs of the University. Those
who have obtained a bachelor’s degree (including those graduating in the current year) or
possess equivalent qualifications may apply for admission to the master’s programs. Those
who have obtained a master’s degree (including those graduating in the current year) or possess
equivalent qualifications may apply for admission to the doctoral programs.
(2) Applicants with equivalent qualifications must meet the Standards for Recognition of
Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission set by the Ministry of Education.
Applicants with overseas qualifications should follow the Regulations Governing the
Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education,
the Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Records by
Institutions of Higher Education in mainland China, and the Regulations Governing the
Examination and Recognition of Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education in
Hong Kong and Macau, as stipulated by the University.
Applicants who meet the qualifications mentioned in Article 6 should submit the following documents
to the University within the specified period:
1. Certificates of degree and transcripts: following the procedures in accordance with Article 6,
Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2 of the Regulations for Overseas Chinese Students Returning to Taiwan
for Studies and Guidance, and Article 7, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 2 of the Regulations for Hong
Kong and Macao Residents Studying in Taiwan.
2. Proof of identity meeting the qualifications for application: for example, permanent or long-term
residence documents in the place of residence abroad, Hong Kong/Macau passports or permanent
residence documents, original documents of continuous residence abroad, etc.
3. Other documents required as specified in the University’s admissions brochure.
If any submitted documents are found to be forged, impersonated, or altered, the applicant’s admission
will be revoked. If the applicant has already enrolled, their enrollment will be cancelled, and no related
academic certificates will be issued. If such misconduct is discovered after graduation, their graduation
qualification will be revoked, and their degree certificate will be reclaimed and invalidated.
As a general principle, the admission process is conducted during the first semester of each academic
year. The announcement of admission results should be made before February 28th each year, and the
list of admitted students should be sent to the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese
Students within one week after the announcement.
The admission process is conducted through document review, and if necessary, telephone or video
interviews may be conducted. If interviews are conducted via telephone or video, they should be
recorded either in audio, video, or detailed textual format. Textual records should be completed before
the Admissions Committee finalizes the list of admitted students. Reasons should be noted in the
evaluation form for applicants with outstanding or low scores.
Before the admission results are announced, each admitting department shall establish the minimum
admission standards, which must be reviewed and approved by the Admissions Committee. Applicants
who achieve scores above this standard and fall within the admission quota will be considered admitted
students, while the remaining candidates who do not meet this criteria may be placed on a waiting list.
If the number of candidates meeting the minimum admission standard is insufficient to fill the
admission quota, reasons should be provided and submitted to the Admissions Committee for approval.
In such cases, the shortfall will not be filled, and no applicants will be placed on the waiting list.
Admitted students who fail to register before the deadline specified in the admissions brochure may be
replaced by waitlisted students, up to the original number of admission slots. The deadline for
replacement should not exceed the start date of classes for the admission semester as defined in the
University’s academic calendar.
The admissions brochure should specify that in cases where the last candidates have the same total
scores, or there are ties among waitlisted candidates, the procedure for filling vacancies for admitted
students or waitlisted students should be determined according to the regulations for handling ties as
specified in the admissions brochure. No additional slots should be allocated for candidates with tied
Admissions specified in this Regulation require prior identity recognition by the Overseas Community
Affairs Council for overseas Chinese student status or by the Ministry of Education for Hong Kong and
Macau student status. After the review process, the list of admitted students should be determined by
the departmental selection committee and submitted to the Admissions Committee for approval. The
letter of acceptance will then be issued by the University to the admitted students.
Overseas Chinese students and Hong Kong/Macau students who have graduated, withdrawn, or
completed their leave of absence without continuing their studies shall have their student status
suspended. However, if they are approved by the University and the Ministry of Education for
internship in Taiwan after graduation, the suspension may be postponed for up to one year after
The suspended status of overseas Chinese students and Hong Kong/Macau students shall be
reinstated upon their resumption of studies, transfer to another school, or re-enrollment.
Before November 30th each year, the University shall make separate lists of newly registered
students and those who have not reported for registration. Such lists will then be reported to the
Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of the Interior Immigration
Agency, the Overseas Community Affairs Council, and the Ministry of Education. The University
shall also promptly report to the afro-mentioned units when overseas Chinese students and Hong
Kong/Macau students have graduated, suspended their study, withdrawn, transferred or changed
programs, or lost their student status.
University staff participating in the examination-related work of this admission process are obligated
to maintain confidentiality. The principles of recusal shall be applied in accordance with Article 6 of
the University’s Admission Guidelines for admission operations.
If applicants have any doubts regarding the admission matters, they must submit a written appeal to
the Admissions Committee of the University within one week after the announcement of the
admission results. The Admissions Committee shall formally respond within one month and, if
necessary, establish a special task force to conduct a fair investigation and handle the matter. The
appellant should be informed of the administrative remedies procedures.
Any matters not covered by this Regulation shall be handled in accordance with the Regulations for
Overseas Chinese Students Returning to Taiwan for Studies and Guidance, Regulations for Hong
Kong and Macao Residents Studying in Taiwan, the Operating Guidelines for Universities and
Colleges to Independently Admit Overseas Chinese Students, the Operating Guidelines for
Universities and Colleges to Independently Admit Hong Kong and Macau Students, as well as the
NYCU Academic Regulations and related provisions.
The Regulation, after being approved by the University’s Admissions Committee and ratified by the
Ministry of Education, shall be implemented. The same procedure applies