Update Date:2024-03-15
Units:The 2nd Division of Admissions
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Regulations Governing Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Students
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Regulations Governing Admission of Undergraduate Transfer Students
Approved at the 4th meeting of the Students Admission Committee for Academic Year 2021 (dated May 13, 2021)
Approved by letter (Ref. No.: Tai-Jiao-Gao-(IV)-Zi-1100093713) (dated July 14, 2021)
Article 1
In order to carry out undergraduate transfer students admissions (the “Admission Program”), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (“NYCU”) hereby establishes these Regulations Governing Admission of Undergraduate Students (these “Regulations”) in accordance with Article 24 of the University Act, Article 19 of the Enforcement Rules of the University Act, and the Directions for Review of Regulations for Admission to Universities.
Article 2
The Admission Program shall be organized by the Students Admission Committee (the “Admission Committee”) with the principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness.
The composition and functions (among others) of the Admission Committee shall be formulated in accordance with “NYCU Regulations Governing Establishment of Students Admission Committee.”
Article 3
The admission brochure shall specify the admitting departments, admission grade, admission quota, application qualifications, scope of exams, exam dates, application procedures, scoring criteria and standards, acceptance criteria, procedures for ranking applicants with the same scores, application for double-check of scores, registration procedures, replacement rules, procedures for handling disputes over admission, and other related requirements. Such brochure shall be made public at least twenty days before the acceptance of admission applications.
Article 4
NYCU and the University System of Taiwan will engage in the joint admission of transfer students during summer vacations. Meanwhile, NYCU may engage in transfer student admissions independently during winter and summer vacations, but transfer students shall not be admitted to NYCU as freshmen or seniors in the admitting departments.
The joint admission of transfer students referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be handled in accordance with the “University System of Taiwan Regulations Governing Admission of Transfer Students.”
Article 5
Transfer students' admission quota shall be planned in the following manner:
I. 各學系轉學招生名額,以各學系(不包括停招學系)招生、退學所生之缺額為限,不含保留入學資格、休學或外加名額造成之缺額。
The transfer students' admission quota of each department (excluding those whose admission has been suspended) shall be limited to the unfilled quota arising from admissions or dropouts, exclusive of those caused by retention of admission qualifications, temporary leave, or additional quota.
II. 各學系名額不得流用至涉及師資培育、醫學與其他政府部門訂有人力管控之學系。
The admission quota applicable to each department shall not be transferred to teachers’ training programs, medicine, or other departments under human resources control by government ministries.
III. 辦理轉學招生後,各年級名額內學生總數不得超過各該學年度原核定之新生總數,且每班名額依專科以上學校總量發展規模與資源條件標準規定辦理。
After the transfer students' admission, the total number of students of all grades shall not exceed the total number of new students originally approved for that academic year. The admission quota per class shall be determined by the requirements stated in the Standards for Student Admission Quotas and Resources at Institutions of Higher Education.
IV. 各學系實際錄取名額得以當年度考試舉行當日公告之各學系缺額為準;公告之名額總數,不得低於簡章原定轉學名額數,並應於招生簡章中附註說明之。
The actual admission quota for each department shall be determined subject to the unfilled number of students of the department published on the date when the exam is held in the current year. The published total quota shall be no less than the transfer student quota outlined in the admission brochure and shall be explained in the notes contained therein.
Article 6
A student who satisfies any of the following eligibility criteria shall be considered to have equivalent scholastic ability and may take an examination to transfer into NYCU as a sophomore or a junior, as appropriate:
I. 學士班肄業學生有下列情形之一,持有修業證明書、轉學證明書或休學證明書,並檢附歷年成績單:
A student has not completed undergraduate courses but meets one of the following requirements, with a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or certification of leave of absence from study, as well as a transcript of their results for all academic years:
(I) 修業累計滿二個學期以上者,得轉入二年級上學期。
A transfer student whose completed studies add up to two or more semesters may transfer into the first semester of the second year of study.
(II) 修業累計滿三個學期以上者,得轉入二年級下學期。
A transfer student whose completed studies add up to three or more semesters may transfer into the second semester of the second year of study.
(III) 修業累計滿四個學期以上者,得轉入三年級上學期。
A transfer student whose completed studies add up to four or more semesters may transfer into the first semester of the third year of study.
(IV) 修業累計滿五個學期以上者,得轉入三年級下學期。
A transfer student whose completed studies add up to five or more semesters may transfer into the second semester of the third year of study.
II. 大學二年制學士班肄業學生,修滿一年級上學期,持有修業證明書、轉學證明書或休學證明書,並檢附歷年成績單。
A student who has not completed two-year undergraduate courses but meets one of the following requirements, with a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or certification of leave of absence from study, as well as a transcript of their results for all academic years.
III. 專科學校學生有下列情形之一:
A junior college student meets one of the following requirements:
(I) 取得專科學校畢業證書或專修科畢業。
The student has been awarded a junior college diploma or graduated from a vocational training program; or
(II) 修滿規定修業年限之肄業學生,持有修業證明書、轉學證明書或休學證明書,並檢附歷年成績單。
The student studied for the prescribed number of years but did not complete the prescribed program, with a certificate of attendance, transfer certificate, or certification of leave of absence from study, as well as a transcript of their results for all academic years.
IV. 自學進修學力鑑定考試通過,持有專科學校畢業程度學力鑑定通過證書。
Those having passed the Self-Study Academic Ability Assessment Examination and can provide a certificate attesting that their academic ability is equivalent to junior college level.
V. 符合年滿二十二歲、高級中等學校畢(結)業或修滿高級中等學校規定修業年限資格之一,並修習下列不同科目課程累計達八十學分以上,持有學分證明:
Those aged at least twenty-two, having graduated from senior secondary school (or completed senior secondary school education), or having completed the prescribed program length of study at a senior secondary school, either of whom are also able to provide documentary evidence that they have accumulated a total of 80 credits or more by studying different courses of the subjects listed below:
(I) 大學或空中大學之大學程度學分課程。
Undergraduate-level credit courses at a university or an open university;
(II) 專科以上學校推廣教育學分班課程。
Continuing education credit courses at a junior college, tertiary college, or university;
(III) 教育部認可之非正規教育課程。
Non-official education programs accredited by the Ministry of Education;
(IV) 職業訓練機構開設經教育部認可之專科以上教育階段職業繼續教育學分課程。
Vocational continuing education credit courses at the junior college, tertiary college, or university education level offered by a vocational training institute which have been accredited by the Ministry of Education; or
(V) 專科以上學校職業繼續教育學分課程。
Vocational continuing education credit courses offered by a junior college, tertiary college, or university.
VI. 空中大學肄業全修生,修得三十六學分者,得報考性質相近學系二年級,修得七十二學分者,得報考性質相近學系三年級。
A full-time student at an open university who has not completed their program but has completed 36 credits may take an entrance examination to begin studying at the sophomore level of a bachelor’s program in a university department of a similar nature to the open university department they were formerly studying in; a full-time student at an open university who has not completed their program but has completed 72 credits may take an entrance examination to begin studying at the junior level of a bachelor’s program in a university department of a similar nature.
If a student has participated in but not completed the comprehensive educational program implemented in accordance with the Arts Education Act, while holding a certificate of attendance, the provisions of Subparagraphs 1 and 3, Paragraph 1 hereof shall apply, on a mutatis mutandis basis, depending on whether such student has formerly studied at a university or a junior college.
A student who earned course credits as stipulated in Subparagraph 5, Paragraph 1 hereof after the promulgation of the Continuing Education Regulations for Junior Colleges and Universities (as revised) on July 13, 2011 and before the promulgation of the Directions for Reviewing the University Admission Rules (as revised) on June 13, 2013 shall not be subject to the age limit of 22 years old.
For applicants with overseas degree certificates, their diplomas shall comply with the Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Academic Records by Institutions of Higher Education, the Regulations Governing the Examination and Recognition of Educational Records from Hong Kong and Macao, the Regulations Governing the Assessment and Recognition of Academic Credentials for Mainland Area, or Article 9 of the Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission.
Those who receive failing ethics grades and thus are expelled from school shall not apply for the Admission Program.
NYCU may outline in the admission brochure separately any related application conditions applicable to students mentioned in each subparagraph of Paragraph 1 hereof regarding whether the department of their original major or the credits they have earned are commensurate to the nature of the department they plan to apply for, the year of study they may apply for, and whether they must receive passing grades in their original school.
Article 7
Applicants with special status shall submit related supporting documents for verification before they may apply with such status under the regulations governing preferential treatment for further studies. Those who fail to do so shall be treated under regulations governing applicants with ordinary status and shall not enjoy any preferential treatment.
Applicants with overseas Chinese student status for the Admission Program shall present their original admission certificate for overseas Chinese students issued by the Ministry of Education or official overseas Chinese student status certificates issued by the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC). Upon review and approval thereof, such applicants may register as an “overseas Chinese student,” but no bonus scores shall be offered to them. When they are successfully admitted to NYCU, they shall be treated as overseas Chinese students in terms of student status.
Publicly-funded students and the students required to perform internship or services (or military services), such as publicly-funded students for teacher cultivation, students from military and police academies, active military personnel, and police officers, shall apply for and enroll in the Admission Program by themselves pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
Article 8
The exams for the Admission Program may be conducted in the form of written exams, interviews, data review, skill tests, or practical tests. If conducted in the form of written exams, such exams shall consist of two to four subjects in principle. If conducted in the form of interviews, skill tests, or practical tests, they shall be recorded in audio, video, or detailed writing, and the written records must be completed before the Admission Committee finalizes the list of admitted students. Reasons for any particularly high or low scores shall be specified in the scoring form.
The written exam subjects, scoring criteria, and percentage of each exam subject accounting for the final score shall be formulated by each department independently, and stipulated in the admission brochure upon approval by the Admission Committee.
Article 9
Each department shall set forth the admission threshold, subject to review and approval of the Admission Committee, before the announcement of the list of admitted students. Applicants meeting the threshold and falling within the admission quota shall be admitted as approved students, and the rest of those applicants shall be listed as candidates.
When the applicants meeting the threshold is fewer than the admission quota, the department may leave the admission quota unfilled with no candidates upon submission of the relevant reasons to the Admission Committee for approval.
The admission brochure shall specify the procedure for ranking two or more applicants
with the same scores, as well as how to deal with situations where only one of two or more applicants with the same total scores in last place may be put on the list of admitted students, and where only one of two or more candidates with the same total scores may be included in the list of admitted students (in case of any vacancy therefor).
When a special situation requires additional admission beyond the quota, this shall be subject to the resolution adopted at a meeting of the Admission Committee, and the meeting minutes and relevant supporting documents shall be handled in the following manner:
I. 屬同分致須增額錄取者,應於本校入學年度當學期行事曆所定開始上課日後兩週內報教育部備查。
Cases for additional admissions due to applicants scoring the same shall be reported to the Ministry of Education for reference within two weeks after the start of the current semester of the admission year as specified in the academic calendar.
II. 屬行政疏失致須增額錄取者,應另檢附招生檢討報告,於事實確認後一個月內報教育部核定後始得辦理。
Cases for additional admissions due to administrative negligence