學 則 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Academic Regulations
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Academic Regulations
110 年 3 月 3 日 109 學年度第 1 次教務會議通過
Adopted at the 1st Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2020 on March 3, 2021
110 年 3 月 24 日 109 學年度第 2 次臨時校務校務會議報告
Adopted at the 2nd Extraordinary School Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2020 on March 24, 2021
110 年 5 月 10 日臺教高(二)字第 1100048593 號函備查
Filed by Letter Tai-Jiao-Gao-(II)-Zhi No. 1100048593 for record on May 10, 2021
110 年 9 月 1 日 110 學年度第 1 次教務會議修正通過第 9 條
Article 9 amended at the 1st Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on September 1, 2021
110 年 9 月 29 日 110 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次臨時校務會議報告
Adopted at the 1st Extraordinary School Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on September 29, 2021
110 年 12 月 15 日臺教高(二)字第 1100166052 號函備查第 9 條
Article 9 filed by Letter Tai-Jiao-Gao-(II)-Zhi No. 1100166052 for record on December 15, 2021
111 年 3 月 4 日 110 學年度第 3 次教務會議修正通過第 9 條
Articles 9 amended at the 3rd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on March 4, 2022
111 年 4 月 13 日 110 學年度第 1 次臨時校務會議報告
Adopted at the 1st Extraordinary School Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on April 13, 2022
111 年 5 月 18 日臺教高(二)字第 1110048545 號函備查
Filed by Letter Tai-Jiao-Gao-(II)-Zhi No. 1110048545 for record on May 18, 2022
111 年 6 月 16 日 110 學年度第 4 次教務會議修正通過第 10、12、14、60 條
Articles 10,12,14 and 60 amended at the 4th Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2021 on June 16, 2022
111 年 10 月 12 日 111 學年度第 1 學期第 1 次臨時校務會議報告
Adopted at the 1st Extraordinary School Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2022 on October 12, 2022
111 年 12 月 29 日 111 學年度第 2 次教務會議修正通過第 29 條
Articles 29 amended at the 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2022 on December 29, 2022
112 年 2 月 1 日臺教高(二)字第 1120003235 號函備查
Filed by Letter Tai-Jiao-Gao-(II)-Zhi No. 1120003235 for record on February 1, 2023
112 年 2 月 22 日 111 學年度第 2 學期第 1 次臨時校務會議報告
Adopted at the 1st Extraordinary School Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2022 on February 22, 2023
112 年 3 月 7 日 111 學年度第 3 次教務會議修正通過第 26、27、33、40、41、47、48、50、51 條
Articles 26,27,33,40,41,47,48,50 and 51 amended at the 3rd Academic Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2022 on March 7, 2023
112 年 5 月 24 日 111 學年度第 2 次校務會議報告
Adopted at the 2nd School Affairs Meeting of Academic Year 2022 on May 24, 2023
112 年 7 月 7 日臺教高(二)字第 1120058409 號函備查
Filed by Letter Tai-Jiao-Gao-(II)-Zhi No. 1120058409 for record on July 7, 2023
第一章 總則
Chapter I. General Provisions
第一條 本校依據大學法及其施行細則、學位授予法訂定本學則。
Article 1 These Regulations are established by National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
(hereinafter referred to as “NYCU”) in accordance with the University Act, Enforcement
Rules of the University Act and Degree Conferral Act.
第二條 本校處理學生之學籍及其有關事宜,除相關法令另有規定外,悉依本學則之規定辦
Article 2 Unless otherwise provided by related laws and regulations, NYCU shall process student
status issues and other related matters in accordance with the Regulations. The related
enforcement rules and implementation regulations shall be established separately.
第二章 入學
Chapter II. Admission
第三條 本校學生依所修讀學位分三種,分別為:學士班學生、碩士班研究生及博士班研究
Article 3 At NYCU, students study for three types of degrees and are divided into students of the
Bachelor’s program, graduate students of the Master’s program, and graduate students of
the PhD program. All new students are admitted in accordance with the University Act and
the Enforcement Rules thereof, applicable admission regulations of NYCU, and applicable
Foreign students may apply for admission in accordance with the Regulations Regarding
International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan, and NYCU’s regulations governing
foreign students’ admission. Such regulations shall be established separately and reported
to the Ministry of Education for record.
Overseas Chinese students may be allocated spots or apply for admission in accordance
with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese
Students in Taiwan promulgated by the Ministry of Education.
Students from Hong Kong and Macau may apply the Regulations for Hong Kong and
Macau Residents Studying in Taiwan promulgated by the Ministry of Education.
Students from Mainland China may apply the Regulations for Mainland Chinese Students’
Studying Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education in Taiwan promulgated by
the Ministry of Education.
Students admitted to the PhD Program and Master’s program who comply with specific
qualifications can apply to enroll in the above programs one semester in advance according
to NYCU’s admission policy available in that year.
第四條 本校各學系學士班(不含醫學系、牙醫學系)遇有缺額時(不含保留入學資格、休
Article 4 In case of any vacancy for students (exclusive of the vacancy resulting from deferred
admission or leave of absence) in the bachelor’s program of each department of NYCU
(exclusive of School of Medicine and Department of Dentistry), transfer examinations may
be held to admit transfer students. However, no transfer students will be admitted for the
first year and the graduation year in accordance with the Operating Directions for Review
of Admission Policy Adopted by University.
第五條 凡修讀學士學位應屆畢業生或修讀碩士學位學生,得依教育部頒逕修讀博士學位辦
Article 5 Graduating students in the bachelor’s program or students in the master’s program may
apply for direct admission to the PhD program in accordance with the Regulations for
Direct Admission to PhD Program promulgated by the Ministry of Education, Rules for
Direct Admission to PhD Program of NYCU and Guidelines for Direct Admission to PhD
Program under the University System of Taiwan.
第六條 經錄取之新生及轉學生有下列情形之一者,即撤銷其入學資格:
Article 6 Any admitted new student and transfer student’s status shall be canceled, if they satisfy
any of the following situations:
1. Material violation of the fairness in any admission examination as determined by the
Students Admission Committee and attributed to the student.
2. The admission or transfer qualification is unsatisfied upon review.
3. Failure to report to NYCU at the designated date and complete the enrollment
registration procedures (unless an application for deferred registration has been
approved with justified reasons).
第七條 新生及轉學生入學時,應依規定繳驗有效之學歷、身分及其他相關證明文件,並完
Article 7 Upon admission, new students and transfer students shall submit valid academic
background and ID certificates, and other related certificates, and complete their personal
profiles online. Registration information of the students will be maintained by the
University permanently.
The names (including characters) and the dates of birth of students shall be based on those
records on their ID cards. If anything recorded on the admission qualification justification
is inconsistent with the ID card, corrections shall be made promptly.
When any current student or alumni (graduated or not) files an application to change his/her
name, gender, ID Number, date of birth or permanent address, justification issued by
household registration authority shall be submitted for further processing.
第八條 新生符合下列條件者,未能依規定時間註冊入學者,得於開學前,檢具有關證明申
Article 8 Any new student who satisfies any of the following situations but cannot enroll within the
stipulated time may apply for deferred admission by submission of related certificates
before the start of the semester.
1. Long-term care or rehabilitation due to serious illness, as proven by the certificate
issued by a National Health Insurance contracted regional hospital or medical center.
2. Certificate of educational internship or notification of the call to active duty for
military service.
3. Certificate of diagnosis issued by a hospital or household registration transcript, in the
case of a student who is pregnant, in labor, or raising a child under three years old.
4. Failure to register on time due to special causes approved by the Dean of Academic
Affairs upon request of the academics unit of the student.
5. Any event consistent with applicable legislation.
Deferred admission shall be limited to one year, unless otherwise provided by legislation.
No fee shall be payable if the application for deferred admission is approved. A transfer
student is not allowed to apply for deferred admission.
第九條 本校學生得具跨校雙重學籍,但須向系所主管或指導教授報備,並將報備單送註冊
NYCU students are allowed to have dual registration with other universities, but they must
report to their department supervisor or advisor and submit the report to the Division of
Registrar for registration in the Grading System.
The establishment of a dual-degree program between NYCU and overseas universities
shall be carried out in accordance with the Regulations for the joint Dual-Degree Program
between NYCU and overseas universities. The regulations shall be established separately.
第三章 註冊及繳費
Chapter III. Registration and Fee Payment
第十條 學生應於每學期行事曆所訂定之上課開始日後三天內繳交各項應繳費用,繳費後始
Article 10 Each student shall pay various required fees due within three days after the date when the
class starts as identified in the calendar for each semester. The registration will be deemed
completed upon such payment. Any student who cannot meet the payment deadline due to
any special reason shall submit the payment postponement request, no later than two weeks
before the beginning of classes, to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval and record
upon the review and consent of the advisor (or class mentor), and the head of the academic
unit of the student, and the Office of International Affairs in case of overseas students.
Failure to make the payment within three days after the date when the class starts as
identified in the calendar, or complete the payment postponement request within two weeks
after the class starts will result in expulsion due to unsuccessful registration. If the payment
postponement request is approved, the student shall make the payment before the deadline
requested, or he/she will be expelled from NYCU.
If students need to pay credit fees to the school according to the regulations, they should
pay before the deadline. Those who fail to pay within one week after the deadline will have
their course enrollment cancelled directly by the Office of Academic Affairs.
Any student who completes the leave of absence process before or on the class start date
may be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous fees. Otherwise, the student seeking leave
of absence shall still make the timely payment of the tuition and miscellaneous fees, and
request for refund on a pro rata basis as required, subject to when the leave of absence
process has been completed.
第十一條 學生每學期註冊日期及應繳各項費用之徵收標準,於當學期開始前公告之。
Article 11 The date of registration and required fees to be paid by the students for each semester shall
be made public prior to the start of the semester.
第十二條 學士班學生於不含臨床實習訓練及實習期限之修業期限屆滿,未修畢該學系規定之
費,十學分 (含)以上者,繳交全額學雜等費。
Article 12 Undergraduate students who cannot complete the number of credits of the courses required
by the department upon expiration of the study period, exclusive of study periods for
clinical training and internship, may apply for an extension of his/her study period. If the
student takes less than 10 credits, he/she shall pay the basic tuition and miscellaneous fees,
and credit fees. Notwithstanding, if the student takes more than 10 credits (inclusive),
he/she shall pay the tuition and miscellaneous fees in full.
If undergraduate student who takes less than 10 credits for a semester due to the internship
prerequisite courses required by his/her department may pay the credit fees instead upon
receipt of the approval of his/her request, his/her tuition and miscellaneous fees may be
collected in the manner referred to in the preceding paragraph.
第四章 修業年限、延長修業
Chapter IV. Study Period/Extension of Study Period
第十三條 本校採用學年學分制,各學士班修業年限,醫學系一O二學年度前入學及醫師科學
Article 13 NYCU employs an academic-year-based credit system. The study period of the bachelor’s
program for School of Medicine was seven years (including internship) for students
admitted before Academic Year 2013 and in the Division of Physician Scientist, that for
students of the School of Medicine, Department of Dentistry and Department of Pharmacy.
The study period for students awarded the Bachelor in Physiotherapy by the Department
of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology is six years (including internship), and that
for students awarded the Bachelor of Science by the Department of Physical Therapy and
Assistive Technology and students of the other departments (degree programs) is four years.
The study period of the master’s program shall be one to four years, and the study period
of the PhD program shall be two to seven years. For part-time graduate students who fail
to complete the credits of the required courses or thesis within the prescribed study period,
the study period may be extended for one year for the master’s program and two years for
the PhD program.
第十四條 學生有下列情況之一者,得延長修業年限:
一、 學士班學生未能修滿該學系、雙主修、輔系、跨域學程、教育學程應修課程
二、 學士班已修滿畢業學分經本校選派至境外大學交換,得於修業年限屆滿前,
三、 學士班學生經本校選派至境外大學修讀雙聯學位,於修業年限修滿本校應修
四、 研究生修讀雙主修,已通過主系所學位考試者,得延長修業年限一年。
五、 修讀醫師科研學程學生出國進修碩博士,除得比照第一款延長修業期限二年
六、 領有身心障礙證明,或領有教育部、各直轄市、縣(市)政府特殊教育學生
七、 懷孕、分娩或撫育三歲以下子女者,需檢附相關證明文件,經教務長同意後
Article 14 Any student who satisfies one of the following situations may apply for an extension of
his/her study period:
1. Students in the bachelor’s program who cannot complete the number of credits of the
courses required by the department, double-majors, minor, cross-disciplinary program,
and educational program within the study period may apply for an extension of no
more than two academic years. Undergraduate students with double majors may, after
two years of extension, apply for an extension of no more than one year if the credits
for the courses required in the original major are completed and the credits for the
courses required in another major are not yet completed.
2. Undergraduate students who have completed the graduation credits but are selected by
NYCU as exchange students for overseas universities may apply for an extension of
the study period for no more than one year prior to expiration of his/her original study
period upon review and approval of the selection unit.
3. Undergraduate students who are selected by NYCU to study the Dual-Degree program
at overseas universities may apply for an extension of the study period for no more
than an additional two years if they complete the credits required by NYCU but fail to
complete those required by the overseas universities upon expiration of their study
periods, subject to the prior approval of their academic units.
4. Any graduate student with a double major and have passed the thesis/dissertation
defense of their first major may may extend their study period for one year.
5. The Physician Scientists Program students who go abroad for advanced study for
master’s program or PhD program may apply for an extension of study period for
another two years pursuant to the subparagraph 1, and also for an extension of study
period for 2–4 years upon approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs upon request of
the students’ academic unit (among other things, no more than two years in the case
of the master’s program students, no more than four years in the case of the PhD
program’s students, and no more than four years in total in the case of the master’s
program students who continue pursuit of the PhD program degree).
6. Undergraduate students who hold the Disability Certifications or valid disability
certification identified and issued by the Special Education Students Identification and
Educational Placement Committee of any municipal or county (city) government may
apply the extension of study period for four academic years in total. Those who study
master’s program or PhD program may apply for an extension of study period for no
more than two years.
7. Any student is based on the reason of pregnancy, childbirth, or raising of a child under
three years old shall submit related certificates and may apply for an extension of the
study period upon approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs, provided that the length
of extension is authorized on a case by case basis.
The application for an extension of study period shall be filed by December 31 of the
first(fall) semester, and May 31 of the second(spring) semester.
In the case of students who change their major and transfer to a lower year, the period of
repeated year in the two departments will not be counted in the combined calculation of
the maximum period of study.
第五章 休學、復學、退學、開除學籍及申訴
Chapter V. Leave of Absence, Readmission, Expulsion, Cancellation of Student Status
and Complaints
第十五條 學生休學規定如下:
一、 學生休學,得以學期或學年為單位申請休學,未成年學生、受監護宣告學生
二、 休學累計以二學年為原則。期滿因重病或特殊事故,檢具相關證明文件,經
三、 休學期間應徵服役者,須檢同徵集令影本,申請延長休學期限,俟服役期滿,
四、 學生申請休學,每學期需在學校行事曆所訂之學期考試前完成休學申請暨離
五、 本校修業年限六年(含實習)以上各學系學生,修滿四學年課程,且已修畢該
六、 學生於受訓機構見、實習期間,經受訓機構退訓者,應令休學,其休學期間
七、 學生申請休學者,須完成離校手續,方得發給休學證明書。休學學生,其休
八、 學生符合其他相關法令規定應令休學者,應令休學。
Article 15 Requirements about leave of absence are stated as following:
1. Students may file applications for leave of absence based on the unit of one semester
or academic year. For applications filed by minors and students under custody, the
consent from their parents or guardians is required.
2. Leave of absence shall be for two academic years on an accumulated basis in principle.
In case of serious illness or special issues upon expiry of the periods of approved leave
of absence, justifications may be submitted to seek the special approval from the Dean
of Academic Affairs for approval to the extended leave of absence for no more than
two academic years.
3. In the event of military service during the leave of absence period, a copy of the order
for military service shall be submitted to apply for extension of the leave of absence.
Upon completion of the military service, the military service discharge order shall be
submitted within the statutory period to apply for readmission to NYCU. The military
service period shall be excluded from the maximum period of leave of absence allowed.
Any student applying for leave of absence based on pregnancy, childbirth, or raising
of a child under three years old shall submit justification issued by the hospital or birth
certificate of the child. Said leave shall be excluded from the maximum period of leave
of absence allowed.
4. Any students applying for leave of absence need to complete the application for leave
of absence and deregistration procedures by the date of final examination set forth in
NYCU’s calendar for each semester, provided that graduate students in the Master’s
or PhD program who have completed the number of credits as required or received
special approval from the Dean of Academic Affairs upon request by their academic
unit may file the application by the end of the current semester.
5. Any students of NYCU departments who are required to fulfill the study period for six
years or more (including internship) may apply for the leave of absence for 1–4
academic years during the study period of a master’s program, if they have completed
the curriculum for four academic years and the number of credits required by the
departments, i.e. 128 credits or more, and have been admitted to graduate institutes
according to the “Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for
University Admission.” If they wish to continue the pursuit of a PhD program, they
may apply for an extension of leave of absence for another 2–7 academic years, if
Said leave period shall not be included into the leave of absence applicable to the
original department.
6. If the students are dismissed by any training organization during their internship at the
organization, they shall be ordered to apply for leave of absence. Such leave shall not
be included into the maximum leave of absence allowed. If the students are dismissed
twice on an accumulated basis (not limited to the same organization), with the causes
considered by their academic unit as material, they shall be ordered to apply for
7. Any students who apply for leave of absence may be awarded the certificate for leave
of absence only upon completion of the school-leaving procedures. The scores
received by any suspended students during their leave of absence shall be excluded
from calculation of academic grades.
8. The students who satisfy any other related regulations requiring leave of absence shall
be ordered to apply for leave of absence.
For minor students and students under custody who shall be ordered to apply for leave of
absence, NYCU shall notify their parents or guardians.
第十六條 學生復學規定如下:
一、 休學生復學時,應入原肄業教學單位相銜接之學年或學期肄業。
二、 學生於學期中途休學者,復學時應入原休學之學年或學期肄業。
Article 16 Requirements about readmission are stated as following:
1. When a suspended student returns to NYCU, he/she shall be admitted to the continuing
academic year or semester of the original academic unit.
2. However, any student suspended during a semester shall continue with the same
academic year or semester upon return.
If the original academic unit referred to in the preceding paragraph is changed or no longer
exists, NYCU may assist the returning student to continue in the appropriate academic unit.
第十七條 學生休學期間,如有表現優異或違法犯紀行為者,本校得審視情節,參酌本校學生
Article 17 If any suspended student has outstanding performance or violates laws and disciplines
during his/her leave of absence, NYCU may award rewards or render punishment pursuant
to the “Student Disciplinary Regulations” of NYCU, if necessary.
第十八條 學生有下列情形之一者,應予退學:
一、 逾期未註冊或休學逾期未復學者。
二、 操行成績不及格者。
三、 依本校學生獎懲實施辦法退學或開除學籍者。
四、 自動申請退學者。未成年學生、受監護宣告學生申請自行退學者,須經家長
五、 修業年限屆滿,經依規定延長年限仍未修足所屬教學單位規定應修科目與學
六、 研究生資格考核未依所屬教學單位規定合格者。
七、 研究生學位考試未依所屬教學單位規定合格者。
八、 其他依所屬教學單位修業規章規定應予退學者。
九、 符合本學則其他退學標準或其他相關法令規定應予退學者。
Article 18 Any student who satisfies one of the following situations shall be expelled from NYCU:
1. Failure to complete registration within the deadline or failure to return to NYCU upon
expiration of the leave of absence.
2. A failing ethic grade.
3. Expelled, or whose student status has been canceled in accordance with the “Student
Disciplinary Regulations” of NYCU.
4. Voluntary application for expulsion. For applications filed by minors and students
under custody, the consent from their parents or guardians is required.
5. Failure to complete the required courses and credits in their academic unit upon
expiration of study period and also the period extended in accordance with relevant
6. For students studying for the master’s degree or PhD degree, failure to pass qualifying
examination of their academic unit.
7. For students studying for the master’s degree or PhD degree, failure to pass the
thesis/dissertation defense required by their academic unit.
8. Any students who should be expelled pursuant to the study regulations defined by their
academic unit.
9. Students who should be expelled in accordance with other criteria for expulsion herein
or any other related laws and regulations.
For minor students and students under custody who are expelled, NYCU shall notify their
parents or guardians.
第十九條 凡經核定退學或開除學籍之公費學生,將通知其保證人,限期償還其在校期間所領
Article 19 In the case of any government-funded students who are ordered to apply for expulsion or
whose student status is canceled, their guarantors will be notified, and they will be asked
to repay any government funds received by them and return any public property loaned to
them while studying at NYCU, within a specific time limit.
第二十條 退學學生修業滿一學期以上具有修讀科目學期成績者,得向學校申請發給修業證明
Article 20 Any expelled student who has studied for more than one semester and received academic
grades for the courses taken by them may apply for the issuance of a certificate of study
from NYCU. However, if the student is disqualified for admission due to failure to meet
qualifications for admission or transfer, or his/her student status is canceled, no certificate
of study of any kind will be issued.
第二十一條 學生在學期中退學、休學者,其退費事宜,悉依照本校學生離校退費作業要點辦理。
Article 21 For any student expelled or suspended during a semester, the refund shall be proceeded in
accordance with the Standard for Refund of Fees established by NYCU.
第二十二條 畢業後始依本校學生獎懲實施辦法核定在校期間之處分,若為退學或開除學籍處分
Article 22 The degree of the students who should be expelled or whose student status should be
canceled, in accordance with the “Student Disciplinary Regulations” of NYCU, but who
did not meet the requirements for expulsion until after graduation, will have their degree
第二十三條 學生假借、冒用、偽造或變造學(經)歷證明文件入學者,應開除學籍。
Article 23 The student status of any student who admits fraudulent or unauthorized use of any other
person’s certificates for academic (professional) experience or any forged or altered
documents shall be canceled.
If material violation of the fairness in any admission examination is discovered upon
admission of any student and is determined by the Students Admission Committee and
attributed to the student, the student status should be canceled.
If the events referred to in the preceding two paragraphs are discovered after graduation,
in addition to demanding the student’s return of the diploma in accordance with law, a
notice to cancel the student’s qualification of graduation will be published.
No justification document of any kind in relation to the study will be issued to a student
after his/her student status is canceled.
For minor students and students under custody, NYCU shall notify their parents or
第二十四條 本校學生對於退學或開除學籍之處分認為違法或不當,致損害其權益或利益者,應
一、 申訴結果未確定前,不因申訴之提起而停止原處分之執行。但在校生得繼續
二、 申訴結果維持原處分時,其修業證明書所載修業截止日期,以原處分日期為
三、 原處分經訴願上級主管機關決定或行政法院判決顯然違法或不當時,本校將
四、 經本校另為處分得復學學生,應於一年內復學,若因特殊事故無法及時復學,
Article 24 Any student who considers the decision on expulsion or cancellation of student status
should violate laws or be inappropriate and thereby infringes upon his/her interest or right
may file a written complaint with the Student Appeal Review Committee of NYCU within
the stipulated period in accordance with NYCU’s relevant regulations governing
complaints. If the complaint is rejected by NYCU, an appeal and administrative litigation
may also be filed in accordance with law. The student status shall be handled in the
following manners when a complaint, an appeal or administrative litigation is pending:
1. Before the outcome of a complaint is determined, the enforcement of the original
decision shall not be suspended due to the complaint. However, the student may
continue to study in NYCU and the student status shall be handled in the same manner
as those applicable to current students, except that no diploma will be issued to the
2. Following the complaint filed by the student within NYCU, if the original decision is
sustained, the end date to be recorded in the certificates of study shall be the date of
the original decision.
3. If the original decision is determined by the superior competent authority or
administrative court to be in clear violation of law or inappropriate, NYCU will enter
into a different decision.
4. If any student that may be readmitted to NYCU under a new decision by NYCU shall
be readmitted within one year. If he/she cannot be readmitted due to any special reason,
he/she may apply for a leave of absence during his/her absence from the school before
readmission. The said absence period will not be included into calculation of the leave
of absence.
第六章 轉系、輔系、雙主修、跨域學程、學分學程
Chapter VI. Transfer Across Departments, Minor, Double Majors, Cross-Disciplinary
Program and Degree Program
第二十五條 學士班學生修業滿一年以上,得於第二學年開始前申請轉系(學位學程)。降級轉系
Article 25 Undergraduates of NYCU may apply for a department transfer before the start of the
second academic year, if they have studied in the bachelor’s program (degree program) for
more than one year. In the case of demotion transfer students of any department (degree
program), the period of repeated studies in the two departments (degree programs) will not
be included in the combined calculation of the maximum period of study for the department
(degree program) which the students are transferred into.
Any graduate student who wishes to apply for transfer to another academic unit shall have
studied in the original academic unit for at least one semester.
The application for transfer across departments filed by any of NYCU’s students shall
comply with NYCU’s regulations governing transfer across departments and each
academic unit’s requirements.
Students transferring among schools under the University System of Taiwan shall follow
the “Regulations for Student Transfer under University System of Taiwan.”
第二十六條 學士班學生自二年級起至修業年限最後一年第一學期(不含延長修業年限)加退選
Article 26 A bachelor’s student shall file an application for minor, double majors, inter-university
minors and inter-university double majors(including University System of Taiwan) within
the period from their second academic year to the end of the course add/drop deadline in
the first semester of the final academic year of his/her study period (excluding any extended
study period).
A master’s or PhD student shall file an application for minor, double majors and inter university double majors within the period from the second semester to the end of the sixth
Matters related to any minor and double majors by any NYCU student shall follow the
Regulations for Students Pursuing Double Majors and Regulations for Minor Studies by
Students of NYCU. The regulations shall be established separately.
Matters related to any inter-university minors and inter-university double majors by any
student of NYCU shall follow the Regulations for Inter-University Minor Studies and
Regulations for Students Pursuing Inter-University Double Majors of NYCU. The
regulations shall be established separately.
Matters related to any inter-university minors and inter-university double majors by any
student of University System of Taiwan shall follow the Regulations for Inter-University
Academic Minors and Regulations for Inter-University Double Majors of University
System of Taiwan. Those programs shall be limited to disciplines heterogeneous to their
first academic major. The regulations shall be further established separately.
Matters related to any cross-disciplinary program and credit program by any NYCU
student shall follow the Cross-Disciplinary Program Implementation Regulations and
Regulations Governing Credit Programs of NYCU. The regulations shall be established
第二十七條 學生選課須依照所屬教學單位規定科目表,於每學期選課、加退選規定期限內辦理
Article 27 Students shall select the courses stipulated in the curriculum of their academic unit within
the course add/drop deadline of each semester.
Matters related to students’ selection of courses in NYCU and selection of courses provided
by other schools shall comply with the “Course Registration Procedures” of NYCU and
NYCU Policy of Domestic and Overseas Cross-college Course Taking. The regulations
shall be established separately.
Students shall select summer courses during the summer vacation, the credits and grades
of courses taken by students in summer school will not be included in the grade point
average and semester credits, but will be included in the graduation credits and grades.
Matters related to students’ selection of summer courses in NYCU shall comply with the
Summer School Organization Policy of NYCU. The regulations shall be further established
第七章 選課、抵免
Chapter VII. Course Selection and Credit Transfer/Waiver
第二十八條 學生不得重複選修業已修讀及格之科目,否則重複修讀之科目及學分均不予認列為
Article 28 Students are not allowed to repeatedly select any course that they have already studied and
passed. The courses and credits of the repeated study will not be taken into the minimum
graduation credits. Notwithstanding, this shall not apply to the courses which graduate
students are required to select repeatedly pursuant to the regulations governing academic
studies, in order to complete the number of credits required for graduation.
Students of each department who fail to pass any course in the integrated curriculum for
the academic year and, therefore, retake the integrated curriculum pursuant to the
department’s directions for course selection, the courses selected by them repeatedly shall
be included into the credits and grades of the current semester after they pass the course,
and into the total number of credits and average grades, but excluded from the minimum
graduation credits.
第二十九條 學士班學生應修最低畢業學分總數,凡修業期限為四年之學系,不得少於一二八學
Article 29 For the minimum total graduation credits to be completed by undergraduate students,
students of the departments requiring the study period for four years shall complete no less
than 128 credits. The graduation credits to be completed by students of the departments
requiring the study period for five years or more shall be increased. That is, students of the
School of Medicine are required to complete no less than 241 credits, and no less than 208
credits in the case of students of the Department of Dentistry. Students of the Department
of Physical Therapy and Assistive Technology requiring the study period for six years are
required to complete no less than 192 credits, and no less than 198 credits in the case of
students of the Department of Pharmacy.
Military training is excluded from the minimum graduation credits. Whether selected
physical education and nursing courses shall be included into the minimum graduation
credits shall be decided by each department independently, provided that the number of
credits to be completed for them is no more than 4 credits in total.
Students admitted to the bachelor’s program of NYCU with equivalent educational level
qualification, e.g. those graduated from the same level or similar school overseas or in
Hong Kong or Macau that is equivalent to the 11th grade students in Taiwan (excluding
students who have graduated from senior high schools for more than two years or admitted
to NYCU as applicants who have completed the academic requirements at the Academy of
Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students of National Taiwan Normal
University), shall complete all of the credits required for graduation referred to in the
preceding paragraph, and shall also take additional courses for 12 credits separately. The
additional courses shall be defined by each department independently and students shall be
advised when admitted.
The number of courses and credits required for graduate students in the master’s and PhD
programs and the examination requirements to be satisfied in order to receive the degree
shall be determined by their academic units independently and approved by the curriculum
committee at the different level, and then provided and implemented in the graduate student
study regulations of the each academic unit.
The courses required with graduation qualifying credits for students of each academic unit
shall be determined by such academic unit.
第三十條 學生修習遠距教學課程成績及格,且符合大學法施行細則學分計算之規定者,由學
Article 30 For any student enrolled in and completing any remote class with a passing grade, NYCU
will recognize and count the credit earned into the total graduation credits if the
requirements of credit recognition as specified in the Enforcement Rules of the University
Act are met. However, the total credits earned from the remote classes and counted into the
total graduation credits shall be no more than half of the total graduation credits unless the
classes are part of the in-service master’s programs of digital learning approved by the
Ministry of Education, or are open to overseas students in overseas areas.
第三十一條 本校課程按學分計算,講授課程以每學期每週授課一節為一學分;見、實習或實驗
Article 31 Courses of NYCU are calculated by credits. For taught courses, each hour of class per week
shall grant one credit per semester. For internships or experiments, each two to three hours
of classes per week shall grant one credit per semester.
The semester system is not applicable to clinical internship. The calculation of number of
credits is expressly stated in the study regulations by the relevant academic unit pursuant
to the related requirements.
第三十二條 學士班學生每學期修讀學分數,以不得少於十五學分為原則。惟修業期限四年之學
Article 32 Undergraduates shall complete no less than 15 credits per semester in principle.
Notwithstanding, students of the department requiring the study period for four years shall
complete no less than 9 credits per semester in the fourth academic year, and in the fifth
academic year in the case of students of the department requiring the study period for more
than six years.
Any student who has completed the number of courses and credits required by the
department (degree program) during the semester or academic year before the completion
of the stipulated study period but who does not satisfy the conditions for graduation shall
still register with the school.
第三十三條 本校學生在開學前已修習及格之科目與學分,經申請得酌予抵免;新生或轉學生經
Article 33 Applications for credit transfer may be filed for courses and credits already acquired and
passed by students of NYCU before the start of the academic semester. New students or
transfer students may apply for being classified into an upper class level of their major
department based on the credits approached for transfer.
No transfer of students between departments/institutes, and degree programs are allowed
to apply for being classified into an upper class level.
In the case of freshmen, transfer students, and transfer students between departments
(institutes/degree programs), the application shall be filed by the due date prescribed in the
current semester calendar. Those who wish to file the application again because they fail
to satisfy the due date with cause shall be subject to approval by a meeting of the
department/institute. The other students may apply for transfer/waiver only upon receipt of
transcripts or certificates of credits.
Upon admission, an application for being classified into an upper or lower class level must
be filed with her/his major department by the end of the first week after the date when the
class starts.
The application for review of credit transfer and attendance to the upper class level shall
comply with the Credit Transfer Regulations of NYCU. The regulations shall be
established separately.
第八章 考試、成績
Chapter VIII. Examination and Grade
第三十四條 學生成績分學業、操行二種。
Article 34 Student grades consist of academic grades and ethics grades.
Academic grades may be given in the following manners:
1. Assessment by Grades.
2. Assessment by “Pass” or “Fail.”
The matters related to examination and scoring shall be governed by the Directions for
Academic Grading of NYCU.
第三十五條 學生各科目學期成績,經任課教師評定送交教務處後,不得撤回及更改。其因教師
Article 35 No student grade shall be withdrawn or changed after the instructor submits a student’s
course grades to the Office of Academic Affairs. However, in case of any error, omission,
or negligence by the instructor, the original instructor may file a written application with
related proof.
The matters related to instructors’ correction of grades shall be governed by the Directions
for Academic Grading of NYCU.
第三十六條 學生於考試時,如有作弊行為,除該次考試成績以零分計外,應依本校學生獎懲相
Article 36 Any student cheating in any examination shall receive a score of zero in such examination
and shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Disciplinary Regulations of NYCU.
第三十七條 學生之學業平均成績計算方法:
一、 以各科目等第積分乘以各該科學分數之合計為總積分。
二、 該學期所修各科目學分之總和為總學分。
三、 以學期總學分除學期總積分為學期學業平均成績。
四、 學期學業平均成績之計算,包括不及格科目之成績在內
Article 37 The students’ average grades shall be calculated as follows:
1. The total course scores refers to the sum of the course scores multiplied by the number
of credits for the course.
2. The total number of credits for courses studied in the semester is the number of credits
3. The average grade for the semester is the total number of scores from all courses taken
during the semester divided by the number of credits acquired.
4. The average grade for the semester includes the grade for any course which the student
The credits and grades for summer programs are excluded from the average grade of the
semester and the number of credits acquired in the semester. However, they shall be
included in the calculation of graduation credits and graduation grades.
The average grade is calculated from the total number of scores from all courses taken from
all semesters and all summer programs divided by the total number of credits acquired from
all semesters.
The credits and grades from any bachelor’s program or educational program taken by any
graduate student shall not be included in the calculation of average semester grade and the
number of credits acquired in the semester, nor shall they be included in the calculation of
graduation credits and graduation grades.
In the case of assessment by “Pass” or “Fail,” they shall be included into the credits only,
but excluded from the average grade.
第三十八條 學士班畢業生之學業平均成績,為其畢業成績。
Article 38 The graduation grade for students graduating from bachelor’s programs refers to their
average grade.
The graduation grade for students graduating from master’s and PhD programs is the
average between the average grade and the thesis/dissertation defense grade.
第九章 請假、曠課
Chapter IX. Leave and Unexcused Absence from School
第三十九條 學生因故無法上課或參加考試者,須依學生事務處訂定之請假規定辦理請假事宜。
Article 39 Any student who cannot come to class or attend any exam due to any reason shall apply
for leave in accordance with the leave regulations established by the Office of Student
Any student who fails to attend class without taking approved leave or extended leave shall
be considered unexcused absence. The instructor may take into account the situation of the
students’ attendance to class in scoring, provided that he/she shall specify it in the course
outline and also notify the students taking the course.
For the students of each department who are fulfilling the internship at any training
organization, please apply the internship regulations established by each department.
第十章 畢業
Chapter X. Graduation
第四十條 本校學生合於下列規定者,准予畢業。
一、 學士班學生
二、 碩(博)士班研究生
Article 40 NYCU students who meet all of the requirements as identified will be allowed to graduate:
1. In the case of students in the bachelor’s program:
(1) Having completed and passed required courses and acquired the number of credits
within the study period stipulated by the NYCU.
(2) With passing ethics grades for each semester.
(3) For students of departments requiring internship period:completion of the
internship and passing the required courses are necessary.
2. In the case of students in the master’s or PhD program:
(1) Having completed the courses and credits required within the study period, passed
the examinations required by the relevant academic unit, submitted the master’s
or PhD program thesis and passed the thesis/dissertation defense for the master’s
or PhD program.
(2) With passing ethics grades for each semester.
The graduation requirements, procedures and implementation methods set by each
academic unit of the University should be included in its postgraduate study regulation. Prior
to implementation, these regulations must be reviewed and approved by the college
curriculum committee and university curriculum committee.
Matters related to students’ the degree exam for the master’s or PhD program shall comply
with the Regulations for Conferral of Graduate Degrees of NYCU. The regulations shall
be separately formulated and reported to the Ministry of Education for record.
Where any graduate student who has been directly admitted to the PhD program has passed
the PhD candidate qualifying examination but failed to pass the PhD dissertation, he/she
may be granted a master’s degree if his/her thesis, work, certificate of achievements and
written or technical report have been determined by the PhD degree examination
committee to be fulfilling the requirements for a master’s degree.
第四十一條 學生之畢業資格通過所屬教學單位初審及教務處複審者,由本校發給學位證書並授
Article 41 After the student graduation qualifications are reviewed by the relevant academic unit and
confirmed by the Office of Academic Affairs, NYCU will issue a diploma and grant the
degree that should be granted to the student. The regulations governing conferral of
diploma to the graduates shall be established separately.
The regulations governing each degree’s name in Chinese and English, the criteria for
conferral, and the awarding and registration of the degree diploma shall be implemented
upon review by each academic unit’s related meeting and approval of Academic Affairs
Meeting. The same shall apply where the regulations are amended.
If any of the following circumstances applies to any student who has been granted a
master’s or PhD degree, his/her degree shall be revoked, and the degree certificate
awarded shall be canceled by public announcement:
(1) His/Her admission eligibility or course of study involves misrepresentation or fraud.
(2) His/Her thesis, work, certificate of achievements or written, technical or professional
practice report involves fraud, alternation, plagiarism, ghostwriting or other
fraudulent practice.
After the degree has been revoked in accordance with the preceding paragraph, a notice
shall be given to require the student to return his/her degree certificate, and other junior
colleges, universities and competent authorities shall be informed of such revocation and
第四十二條 學士班學生符合下列標準者得申請提前一學期或一學年畢業。
一、 修滿應修科目與學分數,且學業成績總平均達 GPA 3.0以上或總成績名次在該
二、 各學期操行成績及格。
三、 有實習年限者,已完成實習,成績及格。
(1/31 或 7/31)提出申請,經所屬學系初審及註冊組複審符合提前畢業標準後,報請
Article 42 Students in the bachelor’s program who satisfy the following standards may apply for
graduation earlier by one semester or one academic year.
1. Have completed the courses and credits as required, with GPA 3.0 or more, or ranking
top 20% among all students of the department (group/class).
2. With passing ethics grades for each semester.
3. Have completed the internship and passed required courses, in the case of students of
departments requiring an internship period.
The students who attend the class of a higher year as junior or more after admission are not
allowed to apply for earlier graduation.
Students who wish to apply for earlier graduation shall file the application from one week
after the course add/drop deadline of the current semester to the end of the current
semester(January 31 or July 31). If the students satisfy the early graduation conditions upon
the primary review by the relevant department and reexamination by the Registration
Section, they may be conferred the bachelor’s degree diploma upon authorization of the
Dean of Academic Affairs.
第十一章 出國及見、實習
Chapter XI. Overseas Travel and Internship
第四十三條 學生之見、實習應依本校規定辦理,其辦法另定之。
Article 43 Students’ internship shall be handled in accordance with NYCU’s related regulations. The
regulations shall be established separately.
第四十四條 學生申請出國進修審查事宜,得由各教學單位自訂辦法辦理。
Article 44 The regulations governing review on students’ application for overseas travel for the
purpose of advanced studies shall be established by each academic unit independently.
Any student who has not completed the military service obligation shall follow the
Regulations for Exit of Draftees promulgated by the Ministry of the Interior in filing
applications for overseas travel or travel to the Mainland Area.
Students without military service obligations may apply for leave of absence with NYCU
during the overseas study period to their sole discretion. Those applying for leave of
absence may apply for credit transfer/waiver against the credits completed by them
overseas after returning back to NYCU. Those without applying for leave of absence shall
complete the registration procedure with NYCU, and their overseas study period shall be
included in the study period in NYCU.
Any student selected, recommended or appointed for research or studying abroad shall
have the credits and grades of the courses taken abroad by him/her reported. The
department in which the student is enrolled will determine whether such courses may be
included in the credits required for graduation.
During the overseas study period, if the student violates any school rules, has any
inappropriate conduct, or fails to return to school at the end of the period, relevant
regulations such as academic regulations and rules of NYCU shall apply.
During the overseas study period, the relevant payment, termination or compensation of
government fund or fellowship/scholarship for any matter that is not provided for
hereunder shall be governed by relevant laws and regulations.
第十二章 其他
Chapter XII. Others
第四十五條 經教育部認定因重大災害影響而無法正常學習之學生,得依專科以上學校維護突遭
Article 45 If the normal right to study of students affected by major catastrophes identified by the
Ministry of Education, the “Principles of Handling the Disaster Stricken Students’ Right
to Study Affected by Major Catastrophes” shall apply.
The study period of these students can be extended for the period determined depending
on each academic unit’s evaluation on the students’ needs, and an extension may be granted
upon review and approval of the meeting of the relevant academic unit, and subject to
authorization of the Dean of Academic Affairs. Notwithstanding, such extension shall be
no longer than two years, unless in the case of special circumstances.
第十三章 系統工程與科技學士學位學程
Chapter XIII. Undergraduate Degree Program of System Engineering and Technology
第四十六條 系統工程與科技學士學位學程(以下簡稱系統學程)學生之保留入學、註冊、轉系、
Article 46 The deferred admission, registration, transfer across departments, course selection, number
of credits per semester, leave of absence, expulsion, cancellation of student registration,
extended study period, and graduation of students of the Undergraduate Degree Program
of System Engineering and Technology (hereinafter referred to as the “Program”) shall be
subject to the provisions in this Chapter. Any matter not covered in this Chapter shall be
governed by the other provisions in the Academic Regulations.
第四十七條 系統學程學生除因病、傷(因重病、重傷需長期療養,並持有健保局特約區域醫院
Article 47 When the Program students are prevented from admission into school due to illness or
injury, the students shall, within the announced or notified registration period, apply or
cause their legal representatives to apply for the deferred admission by submitting relevant
proof (a certificate issued by a National Health Insurance contracted regional hospital or
medical center will be required for long-term treatment due to serious illness or injury).
The admission qualification will be retained for one year and the deferral may only be
granted for once. The deferred student shall complete the admission health examination
and orientations of the next year. Unsatisfactory health examination result or failure to
complete the orientations will result in revocation of the admission qualification.
第四十八條 系統學程學生應於規定日期內辦理註冊手續;逾期未完成註冊者,新生撤銷入學資
格。 學生若因故不克如期註冊,應依照規定請假,請假以七日為限;逾請假期限
Article 48 Each student of the Program shall complete the registration process according to the
specified timeline. Failure to complete the registration process will result in revocation of
the admission qualification. Any student who is unable to complete the registration process
according to the timeline shall apply for leave pursuant to the relevant requirements. Such
leave shall not be longer than seven days. Failure to complete the registration process after
the leave expires will result in expulsion.
第四十九條 系統學程學生不得轉至本校其他學系,亦不得參加台灣聯合大學系統學生轉校。僅
Article 49 No student of the Program may transfer to other departments of NYCU, or sign up for the
University System of Taiwan for inter-university transfer. Subject to relevant regulations,
each student may apply for transfer to another division of the Program during the first
academic year when the quota authorized to freshmen has not been filled up. The cross division transfer shall only be allowed once. However, any student on leave of absence or
forbidden from cross-division transfer by laws shall not be eligible to apply for cross division transfer.
第五十條 系統學程學生選課,須依照學程規定科目表,於每學期選課、加、退選規定期限內
Article 50 The Program students shall complete the selection of the courses prescribed in the
Program’s curriculum according to the timelines of selecting, adding and dropping courses
for each semester.
Matters related to students’ selection of courses in NYCU and selection of courses provided
by other schools shall comply with the Course Registration Procedures of NYCU and
NYCU Policy of Domestic and Oversea Cross-college Course Taking. The regulations
shall be established separately.
The selection of summer courses shall comply with the Summer School Organization
Policy of NYCU. Such Regulations shall be established separately.
第五十一條 系統學程學生每學期修讀學分數,以不得少於九學分為原則。
Article 51 In principle, students of the Program are required to complete a minimum of nine credits
per semester.
Any student of the Program who has completed the number of courses and credits required
by the Program during the semester or academic year before the completion of the
stipulated study period but who does not satisfy the conditions for graduation shall still
register with the school. The number of credits required shall be determined by the Program
Director in accordance with the requirements referred to in the preceding paragraph.
第五十二條 系統學程學士班學生修業期限為四學年。
Article 52 The undergraduate students of the Program shall complete their study within four academic
Any military-sponsored student of the Program who cannot complete the required courses
or earn the required credits upon the expiry of the study period shall be demoted to the
same class of the same department in the next year, and shall complete the study according
to the educational plan of the new class. However, the study period shall be granted for no
more than once.
Any self-sponsored student of the Program (including the publicly sponsored trainee) who
cannot complete the required courses or earn the required credits upon the expiry of the
study period may extend the study period twice and the total extended period shall be no
more than two academic years. A publicly sponsored trainee shall submit for the consent
of the training unit for the extension. The following conditions shall be met for extension
of study period:
1. The student fails to pass any mandatory course in the last semester before graduation.
2. The student does not enroll in or earn sufficient credits in the last semester before
第五十三條 系統學程學生有下列情形之一者,應辦理休學:
Article 53 In any of the following situations, the Program students shall apply for leave of absence:
1. The student is subject to a criminal offense and prevented from continuing study.
2. The class hours missed due to leaves for official purposes, personal leaves, sick leaves,
or other causes is equal to more than one-fifth of the learning hours specified by the
Program in each semester.
3. The student is self-sponsored and applies for leave of absence voluntarily.
Any self-sponsored student of the Program who applies for leave of absence for the current
semester after registration due to a serious incident (illness) shall notify his or her legal
representative and guarantor, and fill out the leave of absence affidavit before school leaving. A minor shall cause his or her legal representative to execute such a document.
The minimum time of leave of absence shall be counted on a academic year basis. Each
student may only take the leave of absence once, for up to one academic year, unless the
student is injured in any special or dangerous professional training and school activity
according to the teaching plan, and has been receiving medical care at the military hospital
as approved by the Ministry of National Defense.
Any student of the Program may obtain the certificate of pregnancy or childbirth from the
military hospital, or the public hospital designated by the Medical Affairs Bureau, Ministry
of National Defense for health examination, and apply for leave of absence up to two
semesters. The period will not be counted against the permissible period of leave of absence.
Except where the Dean of Academic Affairs has approved the application on a case-by case basis before the end of the current semester due to any special reason, a self-sponsored
student of the Program shall apply for leave of absence before the semester starts as
indicated in the school calendar.
Any student who is on leave of absence may be readmitted before the granted leave of
absence expires. Before readmission, the legal representative of the student seeking
readmission shall submit an application in writing, and provide proof that the cause of leave
of absence has ceased to exist.
The student readmitted after leave of absence shall re-enroll and continue study from the
academic year (semester) of the department as NYCU has approved.
If the time of the leave of absence lapsed has not exceeded one-fifth of the learning hours
specified by the Program, the student may request readmission earlier. If the student has
been approved for earlier readmission, the time taken off during the leave of absence shall
be counted against the entitlements of personal leave, sick leave and leave for official
第五十四條 學程學生有下列情形之一者,應予退學:
一、 新生訓練結訓成績不合格。
二、 修業期滿未符畢業資格。
三、 學業成績不及格科目之學分數,達該學年修習學分總數二分之一。
四、 軍費生應降班但無意願。
五、 休學期滿未依規定辦理復學。
六、 軍費生在學期間體格產生變化,經國軍醫院證明,未達招生簡章所定基準,
七、 德行考核學期未達基準者。
八、 軍事學(術)科、體育、體能戰技訓練或其他非學分必修課程修業期滿未合
九、 申請自願退學並經法定代理人同意者。
十、 軍費生喪失現役軍人身分。
十一、 自費學生自入學後第二學期起,未完成註冊手續者。
Article 54 A student of the Program shall be expelled in any of the following situations:
1. A failing score of the orientation training .
2. The graduation requirements are not met upon the completion of the study period.
3. The credits of the failed courses have reached half of the total credits enrolled in that
academic year.
4. The military-sponsored student is unwilling to comply with the decision of demotion
to a lower class.
5. The student does not apply for readmission after the leave of absence expires.
6. The military-sponsored student has any physical change other than pregnancy and no
longer meets the criteria specified in the recruitment brochure as certified by the
military hospital.
7. The evaluation result of ethics and moral conduct does not meet the standard.
8. The student does not pass the military subjects (training programs), physical education,
physical training and combat skills, or other non-credit mandatory courses after the
expiration of the study period.
9. The student voluntarily applies for expulsion with approval of his/her legal
10. The military-sponsored student has lost his/her military status.
11. The self-sponsored student does not complete the registration process from the second
semester after admission.
第五十五條 系統學程學生有下列情形之一者,應予開除學籍:
一、 在修業期間內累記滿大過三次或一次記大過三次。但前經記過者,得以後功
二、 考試舞弊。
三、 涉犯內亂、外患罪或刑法賭博罪章、貪汙治罪條例、性侵害犯罪防治法第二
四、 違反毒品危害防制條例,經有罪判決確定或受觀察、勒戒及強制戒治之裁定,
五、 犯前二款以外之罪,經判處有期徒刑以上之刑而未宣告緩刑或未准易科罰金、
六、 經核准至國內或國外學校就讀,遭就讀學校開除學籍。
七、 經審核入學或轉學資格不符。
Article 55 The student status shall be canceled if a student of the Program is in any of the following
1. During the study period, the student has received three major demerits whether at one
time or in aggregate. Notwithstanding, the student may offset a merit against a demerit.
2. Cheating on any examination.
3. The student has committed any offense of internal or external security, offenses of
gambling in the Criminal Code, Anti-Corruption Act, the offenses set forth in
paragraph 1, Article 2 of the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act, and has been
charged or wanted, or pending final result.
4. The student has violated the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act, and has been convicted,
or ordered to be placed under observation, rehabilitation, or mandatory rehabilitation,
or published under the administrative penalties.
5. The student has committed any offense other than those set forth in the preceding two
subparagraphs, and has received the sentence of term imprisonment without probation,
or converted fine, community service, or rehabilitative measure unless the provisions
of Paragraph 1, Article 83-1 of the Juvenile Justice Act is met.
6. The student was approved to study in another domestic or overseas school and that
school has canceled his or her student status.
7. The student does not meet the qualification of admission or transfer upon review.
第五十六條 系統學程軍費生經退學、開除學籍者,應依相關規定,辦理賠償。
Article 56 A military-sponsored student of the Program shall be liable for any damages in case of
expulsion or cancellation of student registration in accordance with relevant regulations.
Any student whose student status has been canceled may not apply for a certificate of
completion of study or transcript.
第五十七條 系統學程學生修業期滿,合於下列全部規定者,授予學士學位證書:
Article 57 Each student of the Program shall be conferred the Bachelor’s degrees when all of the
following conditions are met:
1. Complete all required courses and credits.
2. Complete and pass the military training, and obtain the certificate of completion of
military training within the specified time.
3. Complete the tasks set forth in the learning plan of the Program.
第五十八條 系統學程學生,對於本校之懲處、其他措施或決議,認為違法或不當,致損害其權
Article 58 Any student of the Program who considers the punishment, measure or decision made by
NYCU to be against the laws or inappropriate, and his or her rights or interests have been
impaired, therefor shall file a written complaint with the Student Appeal Review
Committee of NYCU according to NYCU’s relevant regulations governing complaints. If
the complaint is rejected by NYCU, an appeal and administrative litigation may also be
filed in accordance with the law.
第十四章 附則
Chapter XIV. Supplementary Provisions
第五十九條 本學則如有未盡事宜,悉依教育法令及本校有關規定辦理之。
Article 59 Any matters not covered herein shall be governed by educational legislations and
application regulations of NYCU.
第六十條 本校各教學單位得依據需要及有關法規增訂該各教學單位之修業規章,經各級課程
Article 60 Each academic unit of NYCU may establish and add its own study regulations as required
in accordance with applicable regulations. The same shall be subject to review and approval
of the curriculum committee at the relevant level. The same shall apply where the
regulations are amended.
第六十一條 本學則經教務會議通過,提經校務會議報告後實施,並報教育部備查,修正時亦同。
Article 61 These Academic Regulations shall be published and implemented after approval by the
Academic Affairs Meeting and the School Affairs Meeting, and reported to the Minise amended.
These Regulations are adopted in Chinese, which shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the
English translation and the Chinese original
Education for record. The same shall apply where the Regulations are am