- 更新日期:114-01-02
- 發布單位:註冊一組
113學年度第1學期學生學期成績登分說明 Students' Semester Grade reporting Instructions for the First Semester of 2024 Academic Year
- 自113年12月16日(一)~114年1月17日(五) (每日晚上11點至隔日早上5點半系統做資料同步及批次處理,請避開此時段傳送成績)
- 系統預設為等第制評分方式,老師如以百分輸入,請先將評分方式改為百分法,系統會將其百分成績依照【等第與百分對照表】換算為等第成績並儲存,性質特殊之科目,得採「通過\不通過」之考評方式。
- 凡課程因「實驗未完成」、「專題未完成」或「其他人力不可抗拒之原因」未能於繳交成績期限前評定成績者,未完成成績評定部份得以「I」(Incomplete)註記於成績欄。惟為求教學正常,不宜一課程多數同學成績均註記「I」。註記「I」之成績至遲仍需於次學期上課開始日前(114年2月14日)完成成績評定並登錄。
- 修讀跨學期之課程,若第二學期才提供成績者,其第一學期得以「Y」註記於成績欄。 成績註記「Y」之課程將不列入該學期平均成績、修課總學分、實得學分、及排名計算。
- 課程因故無法於期限內登錄成績,應填寫「教師申請學期成績延期登分申請表」於期限前經授課單位主管、所屬院長、教務長核可後方可申請延期登分。
- 申請核可教師需另自行周知學生,並至遲於次學期上課開始日前一工作日(114年2月14日)完成成績登分。逾期登錄成績亦未申請延期登分者,提至行政會議公布名單。
- 「教師申請學期成績延期登分申請表」可自行於教務處網頁/表格/分類-註冊組/行政人員專區下載使用。
- 成為正式成績後,教師不能更改,如欲更改成績請下載「教師申請更改學期成績表」以書面敘明原因提出申請,並依學生成績作業要點規定程序辦理更改。
- 教師更改學期成績表可於學籍成績系統下載或至教務處網頁/表格/分類-註冊組/行政人員專區下載。
- 教師更改學生113學年度第1學期成績截止日為次學期行事曆「上課開始日」起一週內完成(114年2月21日以前)。
- 另依本校學生成績作業要點第九點第三項之規定:「成績更正案之程序全部完成時,若已逾學士班排名作業時間,不再重新排名,以免損及其他學生之權益。」再次提醒老師在成績登分時,務請核對正確無誤。
Students' Semester Grade reporting Instructions for the First Semester of 2024 Academic Year
Grade reporting Period:
- From Monday, December 16, 2024 to Friday, January 17, 2025 (the duration from 11 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. the next day, the system will synchronize and process data in batches; therefore, please avoid transmitting score results during this period).
Grade Instructions:
- The system defaults to Grade Point Average (GPA) system as the grade method. If a teacher intends to enter scores with a full point of 100, please change the grade method to the 100-point scores method first, and the system will convert the 100-point scores into rankings according to the [Table of Comparison of Grade Point Averages (GPA) Converted into 100-Point Scores] and store the same. Any subject of a special nature may be graded by indication of "pass” or “fail".
- If the grade of any course is unable to be assigned before the deadline for grade submission due to “incompletion of experiment,” “incompletion of project” or “other cause of force majeure,” the part for which a grade has not been assigned may be marked as “I” (Incomplete) in the grade field. For the purpose of normal teaching, it is not advisable to mark the grades of a majority of the students taking a course as “I.”
Any grade marked as “I” shall be assigned and reported by the start date of the next semester (February 14, 2025) at the latest.
- If only available in the second semester for the courses that span two semesters, grade results may be marked with "Y" in the grade column for the first semester. Courses whose grades are marked with "Y" will not be included in the calculation of the semester average grade, total number of credits taken, earned credits, and ranking.
Delayed Grade Submission Instructions:
- If the grade of any course is unable to be reported before the deadline, an “Application Form for Delayed Semester Grade Submission” may be filed before the deadline subject to approval by the director of the teaching unit, the dean of the college supervising the teaching unit, and the Dean of the Academic Affairs.
- Any teacher applying for such approval shall inform the student, and complete reporting the grade by the class starts of the next semester (February 14, 2025) at the latest. Teachers who have failed to report grades by the deadline and apply for delayed reporting will be included in a list submitted to and published by an administrative meeting.
- The "Application Form for Delayed Semester Grade Submission " can be downloaded for use from the Office of Academic Affairs’ website/Forms/Division of Registrar/ For Administration Staff.
Grade Correction Instructions
- Teachers cannot change any grades formally submitted. If wishing to change such grades, please download the " Application Form by Teacher for Change of the Semester Grade " and apply with a written explanation of the reason, and follow the procedures prescribed by the NYCU Regulations for Grading of Students to make such changes.
The “Application Form by Teacher for Change of the Semester Grade” can be downloaded from the Grading System or from the Office of Academic Affairs’ website/Forms/ Division of Registrar /For Administration Staff.
- The procedure for the correction of any grades shall be completed within one week following the “start date” on the academic calendar of the next semester (before February 21, 2025).
In addition, according to the provisions of Paragraph 3 of Article 9 of the NYCU Regulations for Grading of Students, "If full completion of the procedure for grade correction occurs on a date outside the period of ranking of bachelor’s students, the ranking will not be reset in order to not affect the rights of other students.” We hereby remind teachers again to check whether the scores are correctly registered.