


  • 課程與活動資訊

  • 發布日期:113-03-19
  • 發布單位:教學發展中心
【學生學習策略工坊】3/20 行動心理學:拖延症&完美主義-提升動力的系統思維工作坊

This course is given in Mandarin.

⭐ 工 作 坊 介 紹 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🟪日期 ● 2024/03/20(三)
🟪時間 ● 13:00-17:00
🟪地點 ● 綜合一館A302室
🟪報名表單 ● Link (實體工作坊報名人數已滿額,目前僅開放報名【線上同步】)

⭐ 課 程 內 容 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



⭐ 講 師 簡 介 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

盧美妏 諮商心理師
往來各國的諮商心理師&職涯發展師;台師大心輔系學士 / 諮商心理學碩士 / 社會教育博士班;人生設計心理諮商所共同創辦人、ACDC 亞洲職業生涯發展中心總監。
蔡康永情商課專業嘉賓;哥倫比亞大學心理論壇專題演講;曾獲選最有影響力的 50 位心理諮詢師。諮詢服務超過 9,000 人次;專長職業生涯規劃、自信 / 自我價值提升、性少數 / 非典型關係。

⭐ 其 他 資 訊 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
本案聯絡:[GF] 林小姐 corlyn@nycu.edu.tw / [YM] 陳小姐 yachen19@nycu.edu.tw

03/20 Drive Boost: Overcoming Procrastination & Perfectionism Workshop

⭐ Workshop Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Become a new you in 2024 and bid procrastination and perfectionism goodbye! This workshop will be led by professional psychologists who will help you identify the core issues behind your lack of action. Through professional tests on perfectionism and analysis of four personality types, let’s embark on a journey to a more positive life!

🟪Date ● 2024/03/20 (Wednesday)
🟪Time ● 13:00-17:00
🟪Location ● Room A302, Integrated Building 1
🟪Registration Form ● Link

⭐ Course Content - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why do we have so many things we want to do but lack the motivation to act?
Starting earlier next time - how does the vicious cycle of procrastination occur?
Fear of failure, hesitation - how do high standards and comparison hinder progress?
Identify the core issues of stalled action - professional tests & analysis of four types of perfectionism
Towards a proactive and motivated life - the improvement guide for procrastination & perfectionism
Teaching material: Professional tests for procrastination & perfectionism, motivational psychology exercises, psychological cards (OH card series, spiritual cards, etc.).

⭐ About Lecturer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

盧美妏, Counseling Psychologist
Counseling psychologist & career development consultant with international experience; Bachelor's degree in Counseling Psychology from National Taiwan Normal University, Master's degree in Counseling Psychology, and doctoral program in Social Education; Co-founder of Life Design Psychological Counseling Institute, Director of ACDC Asian Career Development Center.

Professional guest for emotional intelligence courses by 蔡康永; Special topic speaker at Columbia University Psychology Forum; Selected as one of the 50 most influential counseling psychologists; Provided counseling services to over 9,000 individuals; Specializes in career planning, confidence/self-worth enhancement, and issues related to sexual minorities/non-traditional relationships.

⭐ Other Information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Event registration: Event Registration: Limited seats available on-site, registration on a first-come, first-served basis. Once full, please join the waiting list and await further notification.
Organizer: Office of Academic Affairs, Center for Teaching and Learning Development, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Contact for this event: [GF] Corlyn corlyn@nycu.edu.tw / [YM] Yian yachen19@nycu.edu.tw